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Posts posted by kt62913

  1. Hi there, congrats on the 2015 wedding! I also planned my wedding super early, not because of the amount of guests, but more because I was excited :) Our wedding is June 29th, so I only know the Sheraton through photos. If you're looking for a wedding spot thats not on the beach, I would HIGHLY recommend checking out the French Cloisters on Paradise Island. If I hadnt chosen my venue and paid the deposit, I would probably change it to the French Cloisters. The photos of the weddings there are gorgeous!   As far as the difference between the Sheraton and WC, I really wouldnt know. I've had positive experience with the Sheraton thus far and they offered us a decent group rate. Let me know if I can help any further! Happy Planning :)

  2. Hello All!


    I'm new to this site, but I'm looking for advice in certain vending areas:


    I have yet to find a dj... been searching for reviews online and hardly anything comes up.  I've heard of Stephen Bain, Dwight Lloyd, and JH entertainment.  I'm looking for a dj who in the overall picture, he/she really stands out... like after the reception, one says, "wow!  That dj really did a great job, really helped make a great party atmosphere!"  Any suggestions would be great!


    Has anyone used Mario Nixon Photography? I love his pics from his website, just looking for feedback.


    I'm also wondering if anyone has used the powerboat adventures to the Exuma Island? I'm looking at doing this as an outing one day to offer to my guests, but wondering if they offer decent group rates or discounts on large groups?  I couldn't find info on groups on their website.


    One last thing, I'm looking into cool locations for a rehersal dinner... a place with great food, good service, and possibly an entertainment aspect would be ideal.  I'm currently looking into The Poopdeck Sandyport.


    Thanks in advance, any bit helps!!!!!woot.gif

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