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Posts posted by Felicia1182012

  1. Im getting married on 11/08/2012 on the Sensation. Did any of you purchase the pic packages that carnival has listed? The packages start around $500. I think that is over prices. I was wondering if you think it was worth the money or should I invite my friends and family to take pics and photo shop them later???? also for the hour reception, did anyone purchase the live entertainment or D.J. ? or do you recommend against it?? What flowers did they have for you for the ceremony? If you have pics please post!!! thx in advance!!! Felicia

  2.  I am getting married on 11/08/2012!!

    We are getting married on 11/08/2012. We just submitted our contract and cake order. We are actually getting married at port before the ship sets sail so that some of our family and friends that can't sail with us can still join us for the ceremony. It looks like we will have apprx. 30 guest including the wedding party. Did any of you buy the pics that are way over priced? and did any of you rent a D.J.?

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