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Posts posted by NSinyerd

  1. Originally Posted by loubellou View Post





    This link to the bags should work

    I went yesterday after seeing the post and bought the sandal sets too!!


    The store I go to in Calgary also had the same Hibiscus bags. They have an entire isle now specifically for tropical/Hawaiian/beach themes.

  2. Originally Posted by loubellou View Post





    This link to the bags should work

    I went yesterday after seeing the post and bought the sandal sets too!!


    The store I go to in Calgary also had the same Hibiscus bags. They have an entire isle now specifically for tropical/Hawaiian/beach themes.

  3. Originally Posted by butterflyeyes View Post


    Is anyone else finding it difficult to navigate through this forum?? I thought I replied earlier to a specific post but it looks like I didn't and just appears as a random comment. LOL


    I find this site totally overwhelming!

    It takes a bit to get used to. Just make sure you click on Quote in order to reply to a specific post! Just give it time!

  4. Originally Posted by Jenn963 View Post



    Hello ladies...just a quick question...you think I should buy these first aid kits 7 months in advance or wait it out? My concern is mainly for the rubbing alcohol wipes (if that's what is inside) will dry out by November?? Or are they meant to last that long? My fear is that the dollar store will stop putting these out for sale and then I have to hunt for other ones that will most likely (with my luck) end up costing more.  :S 

    Worst comes to worst you might have to replce the rubbing alcohol swabs come November. I can't imagine the packets cost that much and the Dollar store is so unpredicatable that it would just be any brides like that they discontinue them..

  5. Originally Posted by MrsHK View Post


    Does anyone know if Costco has Blistex lip balm with SPF, and if so how much it is? I will be going soon but I thought I'd check here first. Thanks!


    Yes Costco has a 9 pack of Blistex for like $10 (I think) but only 4 of the 9 have SPF in them.


    Originally Posted by julienelson0713 View Post


    Best deal I found was Walmart, which had either the blistex colourful ones or no name brand...SPF 15 and less than a dollar each!




    I found these exact ones at Superstore too for the same price.. in case your Walmart doesn't have them or they are out try there!

  6. Originally Posted by sillafeliz View Post


    I also got my card holders there. They are awesome! By any chance, do you have any extra from the bunch you bought? They came in packs of 25 and our group is 27...I kind of want two for my and the FI....but I wasn't going to order 25 more for 2! LOL :) If you have 2 extra, could I buy them from you??

    I have two extras! PM me your address and I'll mail them to you.

  7. Originally Posted by julienelson0713 View Post



    What seller did you use on ebay for the smaller ones? They definitely don't have to be big! Yeah I never thought of using the ones attached to garlands. Good call!

    We bought our small ones from :http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_from=&_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ssn=anyname99&_pgn=2&_skc=25&rt=nc

    If the link doesn't work out try searching for anyname99. We bought 100 1" and smaller starfish.


    Here is a photo of them:




    I attached a photo of the garland from Michael's. It's not the best photo but it gives you an idea of the starfish. They are near the bridal stuff but with all of the other starfish/seashells sections.


  8. Originally Posted by pokeyholly View Post


    Have you checked Michaels for the starfish? I read in someone's post that they found some there. I might check it out this week and I'll let you know! 

    I know there is some on Oriental Trading but holy smoke the shipping/fees on that site is INFURIATING!!! 


    As for Aloe, I know that Dollarama always has it in the summer so I plan on waiting until some shows up in the stores! Avon sometimes has it on sale if you have an Avon lady around you can check with her lol. 



    We bought our star fish from Michaels. They have a garland string of 9 in eaach pack. We just removed the string and are using them on the tables and the aisle for the ceremony. It's best to sign up online for Michaels coupons we waiting until we got 40-50% coupons and then bought them because they are pretty expensive. I think normally they are like $25-$30 for the pack so it's a decent deal if you have coupons.

    I was not able to find any cheaper but if you check out ebay they might have good deals. I bought tiny little ones to attach to my place cards and they were super cheap for 100 and shipping wasn't too bad. (they are all really small though- 1inch or less)

  9. Originally Posted by stefn1218 View Post


    Ladies, look what I found!!!


    I'm pretty sure it looks like the one Jordan used?



    I came across this one to that we are using that is pretty good: http://www.single-serving.com/Spanish/American_Spanish_Phrases-USL.pdf


    I printed them on colored paper and am included them in out OOT bags.

  10. Originally Posted by yasminlkerr View Post


    Gorgeous pics sgreen99!


    I have a question for any previous brides - we're going for the Presidentual package, but I wondered what is included in the ceremony set up, the brochure says 'romantic decoration' so does that include all the hanging flowers etc that are on the gazebo, and how about colour ribbons etc on the gabezo do you know if you have to pay any extras with this package?


    Also as I understand it bridesmaids bouquets aren't included so I know we'll need to pay extra for these, but with regards to the brides bouquet can you have any flowers, or do they have set bouquets and you have to pay extra for certain flowers?



    Hi Yasminlkerr,


    Have you received the flower catalogue? You are able to pick any flowers you like for your bouquets but their are certain flowers that you have to pay extra for (ie. Cala Lillies, Tulips, etc.).


    I can email you the catalogue if you don't already have it.




  11. Originally Posted by PuntaBride View Post


    I ordered my key/money holders the other day, but now I need something to hook onto them.   I've heard of lanyards or those stretchy bracelet things.  Anyone have pictures or ideas on where to shop?

    I bought coil bracelet key holders for ours but i got them from a Grand and Toy store. I tried searching for them online but they were always really expensive. The ones I got in store at G&T were not in their online store so I am not sure if it was a one off in this store.

    I saw some lanyards at a dollarama the other day but I didn't look at them in detail so I am not sure if they had pictures or sayings on them.

  12. Originally Posted by sillafeliz View Post


    So tonight we went out and got a lot of things checked off our OOT bag list.


    Right now Canadian Tire has the bubba mugs on 50% off....so we got those for our bridal party.


    Went to Dollarama and got clear tumblers for the guests....we also picked up hand sanitizer 2/$1, tylenol, advil, mouth wash, and tums.


    We're still looking for lip balm with some SPF....dollarama has nothing, and everything else I can find is $3 or more EACH! Any ideas for this ladies? :)


    Also still on the hunt for totes....every website I've found is US only :(


    Lipbalm with SPF was something that I really wanted to include so we looked around for awhile for deals. Nothing really came up in the last month but we did find a 3 pack at Superstore for $2.49. This was the best that we found so we bought them. They are not a brand name balm but it does the trick for us. 


    The ones at Costco are a decent deal but they only had about 4 out of the 8 that had SPF so that was a no deal for us. 


    If you have plenty of time I would just keep looking around for deals. I'm sure something will come up. 

  13. Originally Posted by sgreen99 View Post


    Hey girls! Hope everyone is enjoying my review :)  I thought I would add something, that I totally forgot until just now..  My photographer friends and I had a get together the other night and one of them was just at the Sirenis (a few days before my wedding in fact) shooting a wedding.  Apparently that bride and groom had also requested that Photo Caribean not show up (via email), and they did anyway!  They were in the way of the couple's hired photographer for the entire time, even blocked her view of the kiss. :(    Horrible!!

    So, I guess I was lucky that they actually followed my instructions and didn't show??  You may want to re-iterate (if you are using someone else) that they not show up.  Just FYI!!

    I just want to add to this that I am being charged the penalty fee of $300 to have a photographer from outside of the resort come. I am not sure if this is the case for brides like Sarah whose photographer was a guest but I know that I have argued this fee and it's looking like I will still have to pay it.

  14. Originally Posted by julienelson0713 View Post



    I definitely meant to quote, not reply! See my message above! :)

    Hi julie,


    I only have 15 of the key card holders. I ordered mine off of ebay and they came pretty quickly. if you do want the 15 that i have I can for sure sell them and ship them to you.

    I have a ton of the inserts to go into them but they are specific for Riviera Maya and April 2013- these I can just mail you 30 if they are what you want as I only paid for shipping.

  15. I am not sure if anyone on here is getting married in April in the Riviera Maya this year but if so and you are giving your guests the waterproof key card holders I put in an order last night for 250 business cards to put in them. They have a saying on them (that I found on here!) and the place and date.

    They were free through Vista print and only cost me for shipping. I will only be using like 40 so if you are interested in having some or the remainder please message me and we can arrange for delivery once they arrive here.


    I also will have like 15 holders to sell if you are interested in those. Let me know!


    This is exactly what I ordered below:



    And these are the card holders:


  16. I am not sure if anyone on here is getting married in April in the Riviera Maya this year but if so and you are giving your guests the waterproof key card holders I put in an order last night for 250 business cards to put in them. They have a saying on them (that I found on here!) and the place and date.

    They were free through Vista print and only cost me for shipping. I will only be using like 40 so if you are interested in having some or the remainder please message me and we can arrange for delivery once they arrive here.


    I also will have like 15 holders to sell if you are interested in those. Let me know!


    This is exactly what I ordered below:



  17. Originally Posted by SusanMike2013 View Post



    Did anyone order from here? I am wondering about shipping times... the buyer is located in China, which usually means at least two months.

    My last purchase from China was Feb 3.. the item has yet to leave China yet according to the tracking.

    And I had to contact them to have it EXPRESSED as my wedding is in April...  Fingers crossed it gets here!

    I think it depends on the shipper. I haven't personnaly had an issue with receiving stuff from China in a timely manner but I think I may have gotten lucky. I read some reviews before about Aliexpress and they weren't that great but some people didn't have any issues. I guess that's the chance we have to take when ordering online.

  18. Originally Posted by fenikjo View Post


    I'm not sure if Jordan still checks this link, but if she or anyone else that has the Spanish phrase book could email it to me I would appreciate it.  I can't download it.  My email is [email protected].  Thanks.  Love all the DIY stuff.

    I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but this is the one we are using. We just printed them on blue paper and are going to put them in the OOT bags.




    Hope this helps!

  19. Originally Posted by pokeyholly View Post



    See that's what I am worried about so I waited long enough to order them lol. I emailed the seller asking if they have those little pull tabs but picking up extra batteries for ones that run out is a great idea. 



    Onces we did pull the tabs about 5 out of the 40 we bought had dead batteries so we changed the ones that we needed. Because the screws are so small it took a bit but was worth it!

  20. Originally Posted by newbiebridetobe View Post


    Those little watches are a GREAT idea for the OOT bags.  If I could go back in time that is the one thing I would have added!


    Other BIG "hits" for my group were:


    -sudoku/wordfind books (for the older crowd)

    -snacks (little bags of cheesies/chips/crackers)...SlimJims were a big hit as well

    -tip and key card holders (zip-loc/waterproof on a coil wrist band)....everyone used theirs

    -waterproof camera bags


    -Pepto tabs

    -Aloe gel

    We got our key card holders yesterday in the mail and are so happy about them!!


    Where did you get your aloe from? We are having a really hard time finding travel size ones.. maybe we have to wait a bit longer till more summer stuff comes out.

  21. Originally Posted by sgreen99 View Post




    We had the Pres. package, so my included bouquet was already the best they made (it was stunning, we were blown away by the florals!).  Elizabeth did have a lower package bouquet with her when she gave me mine, and I'll be honest, it was pretty small, so if you don't have the pres. package I would ask to see the size of your standard!

    I ordered bouquets for each of my girls, I believe they were about $25 each, and then they made me a 'mini' bouquet for my tosser at around $20.


    They didn't charge us anything to set up that I know of,so that was nice. We had quite a bit of stuff too, when we showed up at her office Elizabeth's eyes were about as wide as they could be lol. They did a beautiful job setting us up!!

    We rented the paper lanters, I think there was just the one size and I believe it was $10 per lantern (think we did 12). Money well spent, they really added to the look!!

    We just went with the standard BBQ (code for buffet).  Least favorite thing of the entire wedding...The food blew :(  It was cold, and not served when we asked it to be.  But whatevs, the rest was incredible

    Thanks so much for the info!


    Hmm that is too bad about the food :( Are you able to give me a brief outline on the timeline for your day? ie. ceremony, photos, start of reception? The photographer nad the resort are both giving us REALLY different timeline recommendations.

  22. Originally Posted by TealMarie View Post


    Thanks! It looks like you can get them for a pretty good price from there! I want to order them now but our wedding is not until Nov so I'm worried the battery will run out by then (since they're cheap and maybe you can't turn them off?).


    I beleive ours came with little pull things that turn them on but we decided to try them all out and bought batteries from the dollar store to replace the ones that ran out. We'lll also bring the batteries and screwdriver set with us to fix any that run out when we are there. The ones we got you cannot turn off but not sure about any of the other types out there.

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