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Posts posted by lauren478

  1. Hi Im Lauren. Im getting married in January and we just put the deposit down and signed the contract. By we I mean, my dad, stepmom and I. My dad and stepmom have generously agreed to pay for most of my wedding. This is great, and I definitely appreciate it. However, my stepmom is very controlling. I have already noticed that she has been talking to my wedding planner more than she talks to me. Each time that I have called the wedding planner, she has told me "Oh I just spoke to your stepmom".  It's frustrating.  Plus she has already tried to change our plan for the menu, which had nothing to do with price. She has been pressuring me to do certain things her way, and it is hard to tell her no when she/Dad are paying for my wedding. We have very different ideas of what is classy and what is tacky, and by here having the control and talking to my wedding planner, I am so afraid that I will lose my vision. I don't want to be selfish, but at the same time I don't want someone else's wedding.  Anyone else feel this way, at all?? 

  2. Def do not have to have her. I had the same issue. The more I thought about it, the more I thought I should. But on the day that I was going to ask her to be one, we were suppose to have coffee, and she cancelled to sleep in. Made me realize that if she doesn't care about getting close to me then why am I going to make her a BM. Besides, I only want people in my wedding party that are supportive and won't bail on me. 

  3. I am getting married there January 6, 2013. I have read your review, and other reviews and have decided to proceed. I am dealing with Cora as a wedding planner. A lot of things you said did not seem that big of a deal to me, but I do wonder about things like photography, flowers, the centerpieces, and how you decided what to use?  Did you like the wedding photographer that came with everything, or did they miss a lot of the action? I don't see a lot of "formal" wedding pics from your wedding and wondered if you didn't post them, or just didn't really have many. Thanks! 

  4. I want a small wedding and right now I have 25 immediate family members and super close friends (who are the wedding party) coming. I have gone back and forth about inviting extended family because I am not that close to mine, and there are about 60 of them, and FI is not close to any of his, and none would come. I don't really want to invite them, except about 5 of them, but I realize I cannot invite some and not others. I want to celebrate our marriage with them, but not in a big huge way and not for gifts, but we don't have money saved for that, as of now. We would have to throw 3 parties for my moms family, dads family (they are divorced), and fiances family/friends that live in town, and come to them, otherwise it makes no sense to throw AHR if none can travel to it for a day. Just seems like a waste of money, and time, which I do not have (I don't get weekends off as a managers in a restaurant, especially 3 after taking time off for a wedding). Do we have to throw an AHR? Will my extended family/friends that aren't invited be mad? What do I tell people, like my friends parents, that they aren't invited to my wedding? 

  5. My Fi and I are having a small wedding of immediate family and super close friends. It will be about 25 people in Bahamas.  We thought about inviting extended family, but we aren't close to them and would rather have a small intimate setting, and I would feel like I had to invite close friends, and other people that we hoped to not have to invite due to DW. We thought about having an AHR, but we have no money.  I don't want a big wedding, but I want everyone to feel like they are included without being there. Is it selfish to throw a cheap AHR just to say "we are married" or to not want to throw one because of cost? Another reason we wouldn't throw an AHR is because people would have to travel at least 4 hours to come. We could have 3 seperate parties (one for moms family, one for dads family, and one for fiances family/friends in town), but that seems like we are being selfish and want to celebrate many times. Really, I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings because they weren't invited to my DW. Don't really know how to deal...

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