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Posts posted by anna524

  1. Hey so to ask my fiances friends to be his groomsmen we actually took an idea off of this website. We made personalized beers. We made 10beers(two for each). It cost us $30, $20 for beer and $10 for label paper(from walmart, one page was one big label.



    To start we took a picture of a label from Alexander Keith's Beer, we copied into paint and used the paint option to colour over all of the writing. we then saved and copied the picture into a word document and used word art to write Taggart's Groomsmen and then their names, we also copied a picture of the Cuban flag(where we are getting married) and placed it over the flag on the original picture. after we both checked it out we printed it on the label paper and then cut it out. We took the old labels off. And after that it was just sticking them onto the bottles. He is having them all over tomorrow and I cant wait till he gives them the beers.(time=1hr)




    For the bridesmaids i bought little boxes from Micheals($3 each) and sanded them, I then painted them in my wedding colours and painted the tops white.(two coats if anyone cares :) ) I then varnished them(3 Coats). At micheals I also found little already painted wooden decals($0.80each), I also varnished those. And then just glued them on. For the bracelets I found sterling silver bracelets at micheals(normally $9.99 but they were on sale for $5.99each) And little starfish charms($2.79each. they also had sand dollars, flipflops,suns like 70 different kinds). For these all I did was open the jump ring on the charm, placed it on the middle of the bracelet and closed it. All together it cost $39(for three sets). (time=1.5hrs, but over three days because each layer of paint/varnish dried for 3hrs, the bracelets took 10mins).


    Sorry about the pictures they are just from my phone.IMG-20110903-00009.jpgIMG-20110903-00010.jpg

  2. So my fiance lives at home with this parents and his younger sister(16), and we are getting married in 2013. We both picked out who was going to be our bridal party. I picked my bridesmaids and he picked his groomsmen. so about a week ago we were at his house and his mom asked who was going to be my bridesmaids. I said Robyn(best friend), and my two sisters. I immediately received dirty looks and what I call the death glare. we go upstairs were he tells me he is super sorry but his mom had asked him like a month ago for his little sister to be involved(obviously from the looks, as a bridesmaid) because she is his only sister and what not. At this point I was angry at him for not telling me sooner but he said he was super nervous(because when we talked about getting engaged/married I told him my only thing was i didnt want Alix(his sister) as a bridesmaid and he agreed that was okay. I dont want her as a bridesmaid because we dont get along, she is always rude to me, she steals my clothes, She steals money and clothes from my fiance and she is mommy's little girl so she never gets in trouble. and we never hang out because when i ask her to do something she agrees and then just takes off to talk to her bf or watch tv) 


    But I agreed she could be a junior bridesmaid. then I went to his house and she was "i think i should be a bridesmaid" and Taggart said why. she said because she wanted to wear a dress. ya she wants a dress. then when Taggart said well that really isnt a reason she said well i deserve it and did not give an answer other then well im your sister and i deserve to be standing up there. after this I was pissed. and I don't want her in my bridal party at all.


    Taggarts mom then texts him saying im rude to alix and alix always has ber back up because im a bitch to her. and his mom witnesses this when im over. I dont go to his house. and when i do I dont talk because his dad always makes little comments to belittle me, his sister is always rude to be and his mom is rude because she thinks im rude to ger daughter and probably to her son too. 


    My question is how do I deal with this. Right now Im questioning getting married into this and what my life will be like when we start our family. I almost just want to stay engaged so I don't have to make a choice and of course my fiance is in a tough spot and I feel horrible for him, I don't know what to do.

  3. i love this idea!!

    Originally Posted by Kimmysals View Post

    For all of my friends who got married, we come up with a list of questions to ask the groom (i.e. What was she wearing the first time you met? What does she want most on her registry? What habit of yours does she find most annoying?). Then we put together cards on pretty paper with the question on front and the answer on back. Everytime the bride is about to open a gift, the individual who bought the gift asks a question (they are handed out in advance). The bride attempts to guess what the groom said. If she guesses wrong, they are given a piece of gum to chew. The more wrong questions, the more gum in they have to chew (although you can omit this part and we have on occasion). I have seen a version of this game done where the groom is actually filmed while answering the questions and the video is played with each of his responses. This is a lot of work though.

    Anyway, this is a great game. It makes the gift opening much more fun and entertaining for guests. But it is a game that the bride really should not be organizing. If you have a friend involved, maybe she can e-mail or meet with your FI to ask the questions and prepare the cards. Often the responses are really quite funny.


  4. well she came into my work last night with some people from school and two other girls, who were all really rude, and then afterwards texted me saying "hey tonight was really awkward. I really think we need to sit down and talk" so im guessing its gonna come out then. I just don't like how I feel forced into this.

  5. i totally agree :) 

    Originally Posted by futuremrstgun View Post

    sascolo...i'm going to be honest..BRUTALLY honest so sit down...have yourself a shots.gif


    and get ready for the advice...


    YOU ARE WORTH IT...get a dress that you love...WEAR THAT VEIL...don't even THINK about being 40..i'll be 40 in december and this is my 2nd wedding as well..but you know what...WHO CARES! this is the LAST man i'll marry therefore the LAST TIME i'll have the opportunity to wear a beautiful dress, and an equally beautiful veil on a beautiful beach...so DO YOU!  be happy with the gift of life and love that god has given you and STRUT the stuff your Mama gave you...be the beauty you are...


    for all those naysayers and haters...tell them to take a hike and/or to kiss your ripe bootyshake.gif


    i say, if you've got it and your groom loves it..WEAR IT..SHOW IT OFF and BE HAPPY in the moment!


    happy planning!!!  msnwink.gif  R~


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