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Posts posted by MelloJess83

  1. Hello!  I just got married in St Thomas on 3/27/12.  We were on a cruise, and it was just the two of us.  We used Janelle @ Island Bliss Weddings as our WC, Elisha Orin as our photographer (and her husband as our videographer) and I went to get my hair and makeup done at Sugar and Spice.  I have nothing but GREAT things to say about all of these very talented individuals!  Janelle's husband- Stuart, was our officiate.  Every one of these people made our wedding day very special, and I would HIGHLY recommend them.  Janelle arranged to have my bouquet and we had a mini wedding cake on the beach.  She took care of everything, we just told her what we wanted! :)

  2. Hi Ladies!  FI and I are getting married next month (woohoo!) and have decided to wait a little while.  I found out 7 yrs ago I had high blood pressure, and have been on meds since.  Since I was diagnosed with HBP I immediately starting changing my life.  In the past 7 yrs, I've lost 50 lbs.  Unfortunately, that has not changed my blood pressure, and I'm still on meds.  I DO NOT want to be taking medication from the day we conceive, so I am doing everything I can to get off my meds.  My gyno has reassured me they have blood pressure meds for pregnant women, but there is such a good chance of me developing HBP again during pregnancy, I don't want to be taking meds from Day 1.  I have about another 15 lbs to go, and keep praying this might work!  I am coming off my BCP when we get back from our cruise, hopefully that helps lower my blood pressure too!  I'm almost 29, and he just turned 30, so we don't want to wait too long.  Hopefully within a few years :)

  3. Hi Ladies!


    When I started having questions regarding my bridal shower, I felt like nothing was helping!  I gathered lots of different ideas from different websites, and I put them all together!  I am getting married Mar 27, 2012 in St. Thomas.  The wedding will just be FI and I, very personal and intimate.  We realized early on we were having issues on *where* to get married, because I am from PA, he is from VA, and we live in CT.  Needless to say, a "planned elopement" was the way to go!  We decided to take a cruise, and this is our wedding-moon, it's just the two of us.  Some days I'm sad that it's just the two of us, but after this bridal shower, I'm very thankful I'm not planning a REAL wedding, I think I might have turned into Bridezilla! 

    My bridal shower was on Nov 26th in my hometown in PA.  It was at a cozy italian restaurant, I did not need a large area because I did not have a large number of guests coming.  I began struggling with what I was going to wear, especially because it was taking place in November!  So many websites had great ideas for summer showers, but nothing for potential SNOW!  Everything worked out great, and it was 55 degrees on Saturday!  Our wedding colors are turquoise and sand.  I found a turquoise dress I loved on ModCloth, and then accessorized from there.  The banner in my photo came from Etsy, and I loved it!  The shower favors were starfish magnets, and the pocket size anti bacterial hand gels from Bath and Body Works.  The entire shower was "beach themed", and the hand sanitizers were all scents that dealt with island, ocean, or caribbean!  The desserts we had were cookie trays with homemade cookies, seahorse lollipops that I made from molds, and cake!  Some of the same colors/decorations will be used for our AHR, which is yet to be determined.




    shower table.jpg

    shower cake.jpgcookie table.jpgstarfishmagnet.jpgmeshower.jpg

  4. Met my FI online, and our first date was on Cinco de Mayo- and we went to my favorite chinese restuarant!  Then we had drinks afterwards at a nearby bar, where I flirted with him like CRAAAAAZYYYYY!!!  Apparently because I did not come right out and say, "I think you're cute and I'm attracted to you" he did not think I was interested.  At the end of the night, I gave him a hug, and he kissed my cheek.  I made plans for our next date, and the rest is history!  He proposed to me on Cinco de Mayo 2 years later! :)

  5. My FI and I are taking a cruise and getting married in St Thomas.  This cruise is what we call our "weddingmoon", just the two of us.  We will have the individual marrying us, our photographer, and videographer as well.  Our families and friends are all over the country, and to not make anyone feel obligated, we decided to do just the two of us.  My mom is having a hard time with it, but I'm allowing her throw me a bridal shower as well as be the "main planner" of the AHR.  She still feels involved, and I may include her in our engagement photographs so she has pics with all of us! 


    Just remember, it is your special day, do what YOU want, don't listen to anyone else!!  Congrats!

  6. I struggled with this as well, I thought I might want to hyphenate, but as the date gets closer, I really want to just take his name.  My name is Jessica McClain, and his last name is Wessel.  I just think there are too many S's in Jessica Wessel, but oh well :)  Like some of the other ladies have said, I want the same last name as my future children.

  7. We are getting married at Lime Tree Beach, and Janelle (from Island Bliss) told me there are facilities there to get changed into your dress, but nothing elaborate.  That is fine by me!  I was not crazy about wearing my dress off the ship and then to the court house, and finally to the beach.  The facilities will work for me!  Maybe you should check where you are getting married to see if there are facilities that you can change into your dress.

  8. Fun Friday night in store!!  I get on one website, which takes me to 5 more, and then I'm on those for the next few hours! 

    Originally Posted by canadiangirl View Post

    such a  great site, now ill be on it all night me the computer and a glass of wine (what a great firday night) lol this wedding thing is so much work lol lol


  9. Yes, it was pretty easy to follow.  Don't get me wrong, about a week into it, you're sick of eating veggies, but you can mix it up, and we enjoyed grilling ours too!  I've been off the 17 day diet for weeks now, still eating healthy, but have had ice cream (my weakness) a few times, and I have still kept the weight off.  Today I start working out and watching what I eat more closely (with the guidelines of the 17 day diet!)  I found the book on Amazon.com for cheap.  Good luck to you, let me know what you decide to do!!!

    Originally Posted by babe81501 View Post

    I am thinking about starting the 17 day diet. Did you find it easy to follow


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