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Posts posted by Jenny421


    Originally Posted by KathyW View Post

    My WC is Elsa and I have it in email stating that you can avoid an outside vendor fee and guest pass if you book them a room. I booked mine a room at the Gran Caribe and its on sale right now so it cost 248 for both the photographer and their assistant.. hope that helps :)

    Originally Posted by vchan View Post

    Hi ladies. Are any of you hiring an outside photographer? I'm curious to know what your WCs have told you about the outside vendor fee. I seem to be getting different responses and now I'm just frustrated. I had asked my WC about having an outside photographer and see if there's any way to avoid the vendor fee since they'll only be there for a couple of hours (we're having the reception somewhere else) and here's what she said: "Sorry but you have to pay a Day pass becuase is not a guest is a outsite vendor. If you pay the Vendor Fee he can only be there 30 min prior to the wedding star. If you want him early you have to pay the vendor fee plus the day pass."

    I wanted to get photographs of me getting ready too so it looks like I have to pay the day pass in addition to the $350 vendor fee. Seems really ridiculous to me!!
    For those who have gotten married at the Gran or Royal, any thoughts or advice?


    Elsa is also my WC and I actually am hiring an outside photographer. I am using http://www.photosincancun.com/ they were booked by a friend of mines who was married last week and they said they are great! There prices are really good and the pictures are beatiful. You get 2 photographers, him and his wife who also does hair and makeup for those who dont trust the spa at GCR, all day for $1500. I am definitely going to look into having them as guest to avoid the vendor fee! Thanks for confirming that for me, he actually mentioned it to me and I was going to ask Elsa today.


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