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Posts posted by thewilsonfamily


    Originally Posted by jennaLynn544 View Post

    I am in desperate need of some advice or direction on this one...
    we are leaving this Thursday! We opted to drive 5 hours to the nearest *major* airport to fly out for our destination & saved $1,000 so we don't actually fly out to JA until Friday at 6am.

    This whole time, I have been thinking that we will just grab her car seat from the vehicle to take with us on the plane. Although we didn't purchase a seat for our 18-month-old (FI's decision, I disagreed), we are going to gate-check her car seat & use it if there is a seat available. PLUS, I was thinking we'd need it anyhow for during our airport shuttle that morning and for our airport transfers to and from our resort in JA (we have a 90 min. trip to the resort from the airport & then back again when we leave).

    FI just said to me tonight "Do you seriously think we need to haul that thing around with us for this trip?"....Um, YES, why would I not want her in a car seat, especially for a 90 minute drive (2 times) and on the airplane?! Car accidents are the #1 leading cause of death for children, so I just don't get how he's managing to make me feel like I'm nuts for thinking we need to bring the car seat with?!

    I also just don't see how our 18-month-old is going to stay still in someone's lap for 90 minutes..?! She does NOT like to be held or sit on anyone's lap for longer than a few moments. When she is harnessed into a car seat, that's a different story...then, she understands (and also has no other choice) she must sit still & stay put.

    Someone please tell me you have advice?...have been there before?...or can direct me on what to do, who to speak with/contact, etc.?

    As if I don't have enough crap to do & worry about, now I have to argue with my FI about our little "car seat dilema".confused.gif

    Hi JennaLynn544,


    I wish I'd seen your post a lot sooner before you'd left to give you some sound advice. :)


    I have only just got back from Jamaica with FI last December and had travelled with my partner and 2 year old son. I totally know where you're coming from with the whole safety issue during travelling. Firstly on the plane is not too bad as you can cope a lot better with a toddler,,,,,whether they are in your arms or old enough to have their own seat. Tricky part is dealing with the panic you suddenly feel when you realise that you're in a bus/car from the aiport to the hotel and and the extent of just how bad the driving is becomes apparent....You've got a 18 month old clinging to you or the other way round!. You're completely on edge until you get to the safety of the hotel lobby and then you vow never to get in another vehicle without a fit and proper car seat for your little munckin which has seatbelts that are actually visible!


    The idea of a holiday Jamaica is to be able to visit the attractions ie Dunn's River Falls, Negril Beach, White Witch Guest House and Golf Club in Rose Hall and many more but errm no way are you going in a bus/car that is NOT fitted with a COMPATIBLE car seat for your baby (one that is actually suited to baby ie like or similar to the one you left back at home confused.gif). Well not sure how lucky you were but that certainly didn't happen to us. We found that the lack of knowledge relating to baby car seat compatibilities, correct sizes, comfortability, abilities and functions very frustrating even amongst the drivers serving the top hotels! We stayed at the Ritz Carlton and their tour buses only had 3 car seats to choose from. Not to mention they had at least 2 phone calls a day from the airport requesting a child car seat whether booster, newborn or toddler types. The car seats offered to use were below sub standard and looked more dangerous than safe!


    Anyway enough blabbing on I hope you had a fantastic time in the sun enjoying the great food?  I wish you would share your experience of how it all went as it would serve as valuable research for me and my husband.


    Luckily he had the same concerns as I regarding the safety in travelling around the country on roads where everyone has their own rules (We drove from Montego Bay to Kingston then Kingston to Mandeville then Mandeville to Montego Bay) He eventually saw an oppurtuntiy to be able to provide the hotels and tour companies with a baby car seat rental service. Baby car seats that are compatible with the age and height of your child, have been demonstrated to the drivers on how to fit, printed installation instructions and are kept in clean tidy state. From the research we have conducted it is apparent that the Government are vehemently behind the idea of driving safer and travelling safer. There have been heavy crack downs on drivers travelling with children who aren't in a correct car seat (this was a norm at one time in Jamaica) You rightfully said Car accidents are the #1 leading cause of death for children!!!!


    We haven't yet completed our website and facebook page but will let you all know the details in due course and should you be going to Jamaica for a honeymoon or vacat ion rest assured that you will be able to reserve a car seat which you are comfortable using.


    Out of curiousity what brands of car seats are most North Americans familar with? In Europe we have brands such as Mamas and Papas, Maxi Cosi amongst others?


    Do you follow the same guidelines in America and Canada such as the ones we follow? See link below.




    Any feedback would be hugely appreciated x.



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