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Posts posted by Trinci

  1. Ladies, I hear what you are saying.  I really do.  As a wedding DJ for 10 years, I have seen a lot.  I understand that there are guys out there who are not interested in the wedding process, but I really believe that a lot of that is due to the way weddings have always been presented.  The wedding day should be looked at as both of you celebrating/displaying the love you have for each other in front of all your close family and friends?  This is the first major thing you'll be doing as you become "man and wife", and it sets the stage for how you potentially work together as a team in the future.  By letting your FI sit this one out, you're basically giving him a license to not have to participate in all the things he doesn't really want to be a part of in marriage.  I believe that If you tell your guy that the wedding is really just putting on a huge party where you get to pick out a fun place have it, fantastic food, personalized drinks, fancy transportation, a customized playlist for the DJ and much more, he'll begin to see the light.  It's really sad to me that most of the industry really downplays the role of the groom, so it's no wonder that most guys are just not that interested.  This is why we recently launched a website just for guys.  The most "to the point" resource for grooms that not only speaks their language, but at the same time lifts up the wedding process and marriage.  It's called The Groom's List.  I highly suggest you send him there!  http://thegroomslist.com 

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