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Posts posted by lolamb10

  1. hey ladies,


    okay so here's the thing.  for a friend's upcoming bachelorette, i volunteered to head to the restaurant early and decorate a bit - you know, make the place feel celebratory and bachelorette-y.  but i am the least crafty person ever and have no idea where to begin!


    my friend prefers "classy" over traditional bachelorette stuff (you know, explicit straws and cakes and other fun stuff) -- and in case it helps, her wedding color is navy (plus silver and pink/peachy tones).


    any ideas are welcome!!  it has to be stuff i can buy/prepare and set up pretty easily at the restaurant.  i'll have about 20 minutes to set up (time between when the prior reservation leaves and the bride arrives).


    THANK YOU!!!!

  2. hi ladies!


    my fiance and i are just starting to get the registry process going.  we have a very poorly stocked kitchen, so are basically starting from scratch!  what are you stocking your list with?  pots, dutch ovens, wine aerators, graters, immersion blenders, wine glasses...? 


    any advice would be so helpful!  also, any specific brands you like? 


    thanks to all!

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