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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Hi all,


    New to the forum but thought I would share the story from the grooms point of view


    So we live in the UK and have been together for 8 years. We had talked about getting engaged many times but there never seemed to be the right time as something was always going on.


    Anyway she was very lucky to get her dream job after lots of hard work and she has now been there a nearly a year and things are now pretty settled.


    Originally I was planning a proposal a few years ago until I found out her sister's boyf was going to propose i did not want to steal her special time. Jen was obviously her chief bridesmaid so the last 2 years have been pretty wedding orientated as they want the big stately home in the country, the harpists, hog roast..the lot. Their wedding was early last month.


    Anyway back to the proposal.....

    We normally go on holiday to Florida as love the beaches, state parks and lovely people. We had booked to go just the 2 of us but we ended up inviting her parents and also my brother and his girlf.


    I had planned in advance and bought the ring a few months ago. I had booked a hotel for a night on the beach at Clearwater. When I told her about the hotel she didn't think it unusual as we often have a villa as a base and do road trips through the holidays.


    I arranged for her parents and my borther to go and do different things and she didn't question this as there is so much to do in FL.


    We arrived at the hotel early afternoon and checked in. We then had a walk along the beach and did a bit of shopping. I then took her for a cocktail as an excuse for me to get rid of the nerves!


    Both loving seafood we had an amazing dinner and managed to time this to get out by 7:30pm. We then had enough time to walk up sunset pier and have an artist do a few paintings for us before going to sit on the beach and watch the sunset.


    As the sun was about 5 minutes away from setting i nipped to the toilet and got the ring out of my wallet (I had forgotten it was in a zip compartment that i didn't want her to see me fumbling)


    The sunset was amazing and I asked her to take a picture, she took a few and when she turned around i was on my knee with the ring.


    Can't really remember what I said but remember she saw the ring and her jaw dropped. It was amazing as she really had no idea.


    She then said yes and it was awesome.


    We are planning the wedding for next September but not quite sure if we are going to do this in the same area we got engaged or somewhere like st lucia.


    Sorry to bore but that was our story :)

  2. Hi all,


    Just thought I would say hello :)


    I am obviously the groom and live in the UK. We got engaged on the 26th April on Clearwater Beach and are planning the wedding for Next September either in on the Gulf Coast, St Lucia or somewhere in that rough part of the world as we love it there.


    Look forward to chatting with you all

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