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Posts posted by Astraea

  1. Hello all. I am in the process of trying to decide where and when to have our wedding. I am considering having the wedding in October in Hawaii. My soon to be in-laws have stayed at the Hawaiian Village but for some of my guests it may be a little more expensive. Any suggestions on where to stay? And also we do want to get married on the beach but I called the Hilton and they said because it was a public beach they would not be able to rope anything off and the guests would have to stand. Any suggestions on where to have the ceremony? We have not booked anything so we are pretty much open.

  2. Hello all. I am a newbie. I am so undecided about the date because we have changed that along with location. I am Astraea Coleman and now we are in the idea of Hawaii in September or October. This has been a process. any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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