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Posts posted by TonyandTricia

  1. Hi guys...I've been abscent due to health issues, but excited for a new book. Also, CSandCK- I just got done reading a book that they say is the adult version of a cross between Twilight and Harry Potter- A Discovery of Witches. I've never ready Twilight or Harry Potter, but I enjoyed  "Witches" a lot!

  2. I really enjoyed the series! My favorites were the first two. The third was a little slow for me, but I still enjoyed it. I was so torn between Peeta and Gale, but in the end I was happy that her and Peeta were together. When she talked about feeling her baby move in her belly...ugh...tears! This series certainly lived up to the hype!

  3. Per recommendations from this thread I just finished The Book Thief....I thought it was good. I enjoyed it.  SO SAD and I did shed some tears! I am kind of surprised that it's Young Adult. I wouldn't think that the writing style is the easiest for teens, but who knows. Good suggestion, thanks! Now onto the last book of the hunger games...

  4. I was going to set this one out because I'm a big nerd and like my books to match so was going to wait for the second two to come out on paperback before I start the first..but...I needed a book to read on Tuesday and it was the only new one I had on hand that I hadn't read. Finished it last night and went out and bought the second. I guess I don't need my books to match after all!! The first one was such a good read! Looking forward to the others!!

  5. I only have a minute so can't answer the questions right now, but I just wanted to say that I LOVED this book. It is one of my new favorites. I couldn't put it down. It was a very heartbreaking story. I didn't know really anything about the French involvement in the Holocaust and looked up things up after reading the book. It was just amazing to me that the French police officers agreed to participate. My husband is a police officer and I just kept thinking about him and his squad, friends, ect from the department and it's just amazing that the officers participated. It's just absolutely unfathomable to me that they could contribute while having their own families and little ones at home. It just shows how brainwashed people were at the time. Even though it was a heartbreaking story I didn't finish it feeling depressed. It's hard to explain, but I felt a sense of peace. That this woman had fought to get this story out and was determined and brought attention to the subject to keep it alive. Great book.

  6. Cool well if it gets picked I'll have more people to discuss it with! My other BC ladies who have finished it already love it so it sounds like you picked a good book!


    Originally Posted by AshleyL View Post

    I think The Thirteenth Tale is the suggestion I made for this book club. Lol. I am going to go through the questions and write my review on Room. I think I read it too soon and in the month I have read a bunch of books since. Hard to get back into that one, guess I will be waiting until closer to the discussion date to read the books from now on.

  7. Congratulations, Cryastalball!!  Give us a link to pics if you post one somewhere else in the forum!


    Ya, not much activity on the bookclub thread! I'm reading The Thirteenth Tale right now for another BC. Anyone read it?

  8. Alison, I'm sorry to hear about your results. I can't imagine how you must feel, but glad that they discussed your options with you. I know it doesn't make it any easier, but I do have 2 good friends that just went through IVF after about 4 years each of trying and one has a beautiful one year old and now pregnant with another after her FET last week. The other just found out that she's expecting too! There are many wonderful success stories and I pray that yours goes just as well.


    Tricia xoxo

  9. I really enjoyed the book. I agree that certain moments seemed to move very fast ie, "the great escape", the suicide attempt. I loved that they returned at the end so that Jack could see how he really was restricted and it wasn't as big as he had remembered. He barely recognized the place.


    I would miss my husband/family most about the outside world and the sun and wind. :) What did you guys think when the talk show host said some people criticized Ma for not giving Jack up in the beginning? Do you think she was selfish to keep him? I can see why people would criticize her, but I have to admit if I was in that situation I would have probably have kept him. It has to drive someone mad to be in solitary confinement indefinitely. Jack was her only hope and joy in life.


    I think Ma did a good job of not telling him from the beginning. Yes, it did seem like she kind of abandoned him, but at the same time she also was having to deal with joining the real world again herself.

  10. Nice to hear from everyone! I still regularly check the forum when I have downtime at work, but it's gotten kind of lonely here!


    Ali, hope the practice is going well! I thought that private practice would be more stress, but you're right! Less stress and we don't have to be on someone else's schedule! I hope the HSG is successful and gives you better luck. During my second D and C the doc noticed a uterine abnormality so if I have trouble next time I think I will also need to get a HSG to help completely diagnose the problem. I'd love to hear how it goes. No sedation at all? I had zero pain, but also was totally out! And how fun to have another February wedding to look forward to!


    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  11. I agree! Even thought it only takes a few days to read a book some people have other things to juggle as well. I just got back from Mexico last night and have a wedding this weekend. I think one month would be easier for the group as a whole! Maybe those who are reading The Help could discuss in the meantime! I loved that book! Chocolate Pie anyone??


    Originally Posted by Oryx View Post

    I agree... some people may have vacations or weddings coming up, so this would still allow everyone to participate!


  12. I think the new format is ruining it for us! :) I miss hearing about your lives!!


    Brooke, thanks for asking, we just got in late last night from Mexico. We stayed at Iberostar. It was nice, we really liked it. Of course I had to go check out the beach weddings. All I have to say is Whew! So glad we didn't get married there! There was a beach wedding going on and the aisle was literally 5 feet from sunbathers (including old men in briefs) on one side and a big parasailing booth on the other! This man went over to the foot rinsing station which is RIGHT NEXT to the aisle and cleaned his feet inbetween the bridesmaid and the bride walking down. People were running over the aisle to get to the next side DURING THE WEDDING!! Tony said it was too painful to watch and we left. I would post pictures (that I took from a distance), but I worry that the bride may be a BDW bride.


    Mexico was good for us for more reasons than just a fun get away. I hadn't mentioned it before because it's just been too painful to talk about, but Tony and I have had a really, really rough summer. I miscarried at roughly 8 weeks in July. I had a D and C in July and then another in August because the first one wasn't successful. Even to this day I still have to go in for weekly blood draws because the hormones just refuse to leave my system. I have just been an emotional wreck for sometime now. Chris has been kind of enough to listen to me and help me through it especially in the beginning when it first began. We are hoping that my body finally fully recovers soon so that we can get back to normal!! I wasn't looking forward to Mexico at all because that is just not where I had imagined myself back at the beginning of the summer. I had already emotionally prepared myself to not drink for 9 months and now when I drink I get depressed so was worried about Mexico, but it actually went good! I drank and was happy to! :) Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but that's what's been going on with me! Looking forward to the next few months and better health!


    Brooke, I saw your bump pictures on FB! You are a beautiful mama!! I hope everything is going well with everyone else! I still want a February bride meet up!


    Oh ya, and my dad doesn't know what a margarita is and embarassed me everytime he ordered a "tequilla margarita" last week. They just looked at him in confusion.

  13. You guys will love The Help. It's one of my favorites! Also, glad to hear that Sarah's Key is the next book!! I just bought it this weekend at Costco! Still have to finish Pride and Prejudice for my other book club and then I'll start on Room. Looking forward to it!

  14. You guys are quick!! I'm reading Pride and Prejudice for my other book club and then I'm getting started! Looking forward to it since you all have seemed to enjoy it. You could tell us the next book although usually when you order it it takes 2 weeks max (sometimes just a couple of days) and if we have 4 weeks that should be plenty of time. Especially with all the speedy readers we have!

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