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Posts posted by jenninjamaica

  1. Hi! Your resort should be able to help you book this trip when you arrive. We went with our wedding party and had a great time. It can be a bit of a climb for some people (we left the older people on the beach!). My one piece of advice is to bring your own water socks. You know, those shoes you can wear in the water. They do offer rentals (they cost us like $5) but I would have felt way better wearing my own!! Oh, and bring a waterproof camera. We just had disposable ones, and they worked great. You can buy a dvd of your climb, but its a bit of a rip off. The camera guy follows you around for half the trip and it costs like $40.


    Also beware, to exit the falls you need to walk through a craft market. They people there are very pushy. It was hard to get out without buying anything, but we left our money on the bus since we were going to be in the water!


    It was a bit of a long trip. We came from Negril, so it was like a 3 hour bus ride each way. Our tour included lunch at a neat restaurant next to a waterfall and then some shopping. It was a great day!


    Here is a couple photos of our trip:


    Dunn's River Falls


    Dunn's River Falls


    Waterfall Restaurant

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  2. Its such a hard decision!! I looked at rings with my hubby to show him what I liked. I am not a girly-girl, but I was totally blinded by all the sparkles!!!! I too like simple and classy, so my ring is a .51 solitaire. I picked out the trellis setting, but my hubby chose the diamond. I think it really depends on how you view diamonds. I would rather have a small diamond that is good quality so it will shine for a lifetime, but my brother's fiance prefers bigger rings, so they decided to get a lesser quality diamond so she could have the size factor. I think it really comes down to what you want and what you can afford. I know this doesn't really help, but like aaronlori said, you will love it no matter what!!!!

  3. Thanks JayKay! It does make me feel a little better!! :)


    Mocha--the bride wants us all with the exact same dress, including length. So no such luck. She seems to think that we can shorten it after and wear it for a party dress, but I know I will never do that. Its not my style.  I do work in a daycare, so I figure I will wear the dress for tea-party/dress-up days, and maybe even halloween! LOL Gotta make some use of it!!

  4. ***UPDATE***


    Okay ladies, here is the scoop. The bride-to-be sent around this photo of a dress she fell in love with, and I was so excited. Its simple and cute, and it has pockets! I LOVE pockets!!! And I could most definitely wear this dress again.

    Bridesmaid dress.jpg


    She tells me that everyone loves the dress except Bridesmaidzilla (she didn't actually call her that!) because she had not seen it yet. She says she is seeing this BM on the weekend, but she is sure it will be fine. I am not so sure, seeing that she was so insistent on a floor-length gown, but hey, if the bride wants it, she gets it...right?!!


    Wrong! Fast forward to the Sunday, bride and BM head to the mall and BM falls in love with a dress at Sears. I am not really sure if the bride gave in or really likes the dress, but she sends everyone a photo the next day and tells us we have to go buy the dress on Friday because it will be 40% off. That's it, no asking our opinions, just get it. I will admit I was a little miffed. Again, I am not sure if she has just given up on trying to please everyone and just made a decision (which is fine!) or if she just really wanted to make bridesmaidzilla happy. Either way though, no one was thinking. Its heavy satin, it has more crinolin than my wedding dress, and I will be sweating buckets! Gross!! And did I mention this will be in August! Also, we have been warned about not spilling anything on it because the material will change colour, so I am pretty sure I will not be eating/drinking for almost a whole day!! Its a Chinese food buffet....I always drop a chicken ball in my lap! Its not fair!!


    I know it isn't THAT bad. I can't help but exaggerate in this situation. And it only cost me $107. But I know I will NEVER wear it again, and this drives me nuts. That's a lot of money for a dress I will wear once. But I am putting on a happy face and trying to be the accommodating BM. So here goes...


    Dress 1.JPG   Dress 4.JPG 


    So this dress is now hanging in my closet, waiting to be worn...

  5. The restroom basket is a great idea! They had this at my husband's cousin's wedding, and I totally appreciated the gum and floss!! I helped my hubby's 80 year-old-grandma to the bathroom at one point and she pocketed a bunch of stuff, totally out in the open. I guess when you are that old you can have whatever you want!!! So keep in mind stuff will be going home with people, but I still think its totally worth it for your guests to have that emergency floss/safety-pin/nail glue. I noticed clear nail polish was a big hit for girls with runs in their pantyhose!!

  6. Hi Ladies! For my brother's wedding the bride is considering ordering the bridesmaid dresses from bridalweddinggowns.ca


    I was just wondering if anyone has used this online company and could share your experiences, good or bad. I am a little nervous about ordering online, as I have never done it before.


    This is the dress, not sure if it matters:


    Bridesmaid dress.jpg


    Thanks for your help!

  7. Hey Ladies! It is now my brother's turn to get married and I was asked to be a bridesmaid. I thought this was great until we went on our first excursion to look for dresses and realized how hard it will be to work with 4 other women. None of the girls are skinny-minis, but one in particular started to get really worried about what she would be wearing. She is one of the bigger girls, and I totally get her not wanting to wear a dress that is uncomfortable. This is going to be a pretty simple wedding, with the reception in the bride's parents backyard. The bride and most of us girls imagined wearing simple strapless tea-length dresses, but bridesmaidzilla refused to try on anything that wasn't a floor-length formal gown. We tried suggesting she could add straps, or even she could wear a longer dress, but she insists we all wear exactly the same dress. This is a difficult situation for the bride, who wants everyone to be comfortable, and does not want to hurt anyone's feeling.


    I didn't say too much at the time, but the more I thought about her fave picks, the more I realized that myself and 2 other girls will look awful in them because we are 5'2-5'4 and will look overwhelmed in long formal dresses. Also I have really small shoulders, so thick straps always look funny on me. I feel like a terrible person because I get where she is coming from, but how far do you go to please one person, especially if everyone else is uncomfortable. Do I say something? Do I keep quiet and let the others choose?


    I was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and has advice on how to handle this. 


    Thanks for your help!!

  8. Quote:

    Originally Posted by DeAngelis2be View Post

    MY FI thinks a waffle maker was the worst gift we got at our engagement party. I like waffles and thought it was a cute gift, he thought our guest was just being cheap. lol


    I would have loved a Waffle Iron. I put one on our gift registry but we didn't get one. But I guess one person's garbage is another person's treasure!! I returned the Deep Fryer we got and some people were stunned. But it was really just asking for trouble. You wouldn't believe the things my hubby and his friends wanted to test out!!!I would have loved a Waffle Iron. I put one on our gift registry but we didn't get one. But I guess one person's garbage is another person's treasure!! I returned the Deep Fryer we got and some people were stunned. But it was really just asking for trouble. You wouldn't believe the things my hubby and his friends wanted to test out!!!

  9. I would have loved a Waffle Iron. I put one on our gift registry but we didn't get one. But I guess one person's garbage is another person's treasure!! I returned the Deep Fryer we got and some people were stunned. But it was really just asking for trouble. You wouldn't believe the things my hubby and his friends wanted to test out!!!

  10. I didn't want to plan much because I wanted people to feel like they could plan their own vacation part of the trip. But we did do a few things together. We arrived in the early afternoon, but left people to their own devices to check out the resort and recoup from traveling. After chatting with our guests we realized everyone wanted to go on the glass-bottom boat ride, so we all settled on a time and went as a group. It was great that we all experienced the same trip! We also planned a trip for the younger people 2 days after the wedding, where we all spent the day shopping in Montego Bay and climbing Dunn's River Falls. That was an awesome experience for us all!!


    I found that people grouped together on their own to do things, and really enjoyed being able to plan their own fun or just lay on the beach all day! It was a great balance between wedding stuff and a well deserved vacation for us all.

  11. Some stores in Canada (and I am assuming in the US too!) have the measuring rack they use at the airport. This saved us when my Husband fell in love with a carry on bag and as we headed to the check-out, he tested it in the measuring stand and realized it didn't fit. I don't know why they make bags that don't fit! LOL

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