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Posts posted by Lauren232

  1. Hey guys! Since you have all been so helpful I figured I'd ask you all another question! I decided I want to hire an outside photographer. Do you all know how this is possible since we are not allowed to bring in outside vendors? How much did you all spend on your own photographer when everything is said and done. I want to stay in budget, and a photographer is very important to me so I'm just trying to get an idea on prices!

    Thank you all SO much!!


  2. I decided to go with the free package and then choose everything I want. I found a wedding I love on a blog so I'm going to bring them lots and lots of pictures, and email my WC pictures before we leave so we can have everything set up. I have been thinking about hiring a wedding photographer and I decided that's what I want to do. Is anyone else bringing in a photographer? What do you have to do since you're not allowed to have outside vendors. Thanks guys!!

  3. Ok, so I have another question for you ladies! I'm still undecided if I want to go with one of the collection packages or do the free option and just do the add ons. If I go with a collection package do I still get to choose which cake/bridal bouquet I want or is it already predetermined? I read somewhere you don't get to choose and you have to pay if you want a different bouquet or cake. The pictures on the website don't show too much detail so I can't really tell if I'm going to like the cake in the amber package, which is what I'm leaning towards, or not. I want corral wedding colors and I can't really tell how orange it is in the amber package! It's so hard to choose which package I want when there are not very many pictures!! Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

  4. Hey ya'll! I am new, and so excited to start planning my wedding! We sent in a request for our date yesterday, so if all works out we should be getting married on April 23, 2011! We are having a small wedding of immediate family only. I am not sure if I want to do a reception back home for friends and family. What are you guys doing? Can you still have wedding showers if you are having a destination wedding? I am new to all of this and not sure about destination wedding etiquette! Also, where did you guys get your wedding invitations from? Thanks!


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