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Posts posted by khanahan

  1. I read this somewhere else and thought it was a fantastic idea -- buy a long picture frame that has 4 slots for 4 different pictures. Place your paternal grandparents wedding photo in the first slot, your maternal grandparents wedding photo in the 2nd slot, your parents wedding photo in the 3rd slot and then a place holder that states that your wedding picture will go in the 4th slot. This is sentimental and multi-generational. You could probably purchase a larger frame if your parents/grandparents were divorced.

  2. Hey all!


    I'm new to the site and wanted to introduce myself....


    My fiance, Bryan, and I will be married at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral with the reception following at the Sand Dollar Estate in St. Thomas. Our date is May 22, 2010.


    Best, Kate

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