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Posts posted by marak

  1. I'm so sorry...this is terrible. I hope Bailey is returned home safely.


    Just a question...is it legal to have an 11 yr old employee in Canada? In the US this would be illegal (I think 14 is the minimum), thus considered gross negligence. Unfortunately, dogs are property. As such the value is determined in the same manner. But really...an 11 yr old employee...I'd be bent with this boarding facility. Who entrusts their business to an 11 yr old?...just saying.

  2. Why is it that...


    People are always confused between STOP and YIELD...NOT the same folks


    People feel it's just dandy to merge onto the 65 mph highway at 40...STOP THAT.


    People are in such a rush to pass me, then drive 10 mph slower than me. Jerk offs.


    Toys R Us and McDonalds have to be on opposite sides of the 6 lane road, reallyhuh.gif Kamakazi soccer moms darting out into traffic is never a good thing folks.


    People ask me if there are trees in New Jersey. It't the freekin "Garden State", not the "Garden State, just kidding"


    Mall people walk soooooo slooooowwwwwww.


    People look at me funny when I shout "BEEP BEEP" at them as they text and nearly walk into me.


    The majority of handicapped parking spaces are filled with itty bitty sportscars a handicapped person could NEVER get in and out of


    "No child is left behind"...some really should be. Really.


    We have not yet recognized shoe designers for their engineering genius? I have seen some shapely gals that test the laws of physics for a stilletto. Kudos bitches for making those shoes WORK!


    And on that note, why is it that some women have not yet realized the shoe ONLY looks good if you can actually WALK in it. I don't care how hot the shoe is, if you are walking around like a leper on pegs...not cute.


    Starbucks is like crack?


    Oh heavens I have a million of these that run through my mind daily.

  3. Personally, I don't get this whole BM-GM have to have even number. I'm not even having a bridal party, so I just don't understand the numbers thing...cept for the fact I am slightly OCD and odd number in general creep me out, but that's another issue entirely!


    To your point...get the extra outfit just in case...plus, guys are sloppy-they spill and stain - it may get used even if this guy doesn't show up. Be happy for your guy if his friend can make it.

  4. Over 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters each year, a large amount pure and "designer" breeds to boot. The ignorance and irresponsibility of those that purchase dogs as pets astounds me. And to get a dog b/c she is depressed, heavens this is not the bright bulb Edison intended.


    Regardless, I would fire this individual. I wouldn't make a scene of it...I'd just stop contacting her. You know where you stand, actions speak louder than words. The gall of her to suggest she hopes you aren't upset with her... Not the end of the world, but the overall "DUH!"-factor of this girl is beyond me. Not being able to afford the trip is one thing, but you have clearly been shown where you are on this person's priority list.

  5. When all else fails, lying is OK. Go with the story about the reception location doing it for you. The thing is though that she wants to be involved. So you could either give her an alternate chore or suggest she make her famous "whatever the heck she cooks well." If worse comes to worse and she MUST make the cake, maybe the two of you could bake it together using your great grandma's secret recipe (AKA the best cake recipe you could find on foodnetwork.com)...at least it might taste better that way.

  6. Well, this situation completely depends on whether she is financing your wedding or not.

    If she is, in any significant way, your response should be something along the lines of "No problem."

    If not, you definitely have a right to be cranky about it.


    It's a pain in the ass, but eh...add it to the list of pain in the ass wedding details!

  7. Here's the thing of it...you, I, and not nearly as many other folks as one would think, can plan ahead and save money. This is, as all desination brides learn, not a virtue most people have. We all have financial hardships in our own respective worlds.


    That being said, as destination couples we all need to recognize the expense issue will come up and we will have to make concessions at times. In our heads my fiance and I have a couple of lists, namely the A list and the B list. The A list consists of family and friends we have chosen to be our family. The B list is the fun-friends and family we are obligated to invite. We have decided that if there are any A list guests that are having financial difficulty for WHATEVER reason, we will help them to the extent we can. Now, we are by no means advertising this option to our guests but we know who is important.


    I am getting to the point, bear with me...


    The A-listers are A-listers because we love them and it is imperative we share this day with them. They are NOT A-listers because of their meticulous attention to detail or tendencies towards fiscal diligence. If his eldest sister, who is like a mother to him, is an A-lister...do what needs to be done so he can share the day with her.


    It is no ones business who you and your fiance help out financially. Nor should you need feel guilty for helping one person and not another. Is it rude of the other family members to expect this help? Yes, of course it is. Extremely rude. But I suppose the ultimate question is not one of rude or not rude, right or wrong, deserved or not. The question is will your fiance have a better day with her present? If the answer to that is yes, do your darndest to make it happen, regardless of the details.


    By opinion, it's a couple of hundred dollars. Be it ever so begrudgingly...cough it up and put the issue to bed.

  8. What are you my long lost twin? I'm nowhere near as far into planning as you are, so I'm seeing my oh so dramatic future in your post.


    You are not evil. People like to live vicariously through other folks' weddings. So when you digress from tradition, they tweak out. This is especially the case with parents, both moms and dads! Personally I find it weird and downright creepy when people insist on insisting you abide by tradition. How BORING!


    Do your thing. Be kind but firm. And by the by, your closest friend/MOH is not only allowed to, but expected to be your mouthpiece; ie. the Bitch that puts people in their place before you murderize them. This way you can look beautiful, keep your composure and maintain family bonds.

  9. I'm glad your friend has gone home from the hospital, although not sure that means he'll be OK. My thoughts are with him, you and yours.


    Frankly, blame the NHL. The same way the MLB promotes steroid use and then denies it in the face of media, the NHL promotes violence on the ice and then denies it in the face of the media. It all trickles downhill. But when what sells creates waves, the bigs deny their awareness and downright promotion of violence and substance abuse.


    Do you have any links to petitions to change the rules or up the penalties for such blatant violence on the ice?? I'm sure if you post a link we'd be willing to sign and prevent future incidents.

  10. 1. How old are you? 31



    2. At what age did you/will you get married? 33



    3. Do you have children? No



    4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? Yup. At first sight. Weird, I wasn't interested, but looked at him and consulted myself as if I was talking to someone else: "That's your husband, what do you think?"



    5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? yes, oy vey, what a disaster.


    6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? Atheist, so not particular on the location. Would consider a church if it was beautiful and they were OK w/ an atheist being married there. As long as the location is beautiful and grand. Mother nature seems to be good at grand.



    7. Where did you/will you get married? huh.gif Would LOVE San Miguel, but might be NJ. That's OK too though, we found a good spot.



    8. First dance - no idea, neither of us know how, so we'll take lessons. It should be fun.



    9. How many guests did you/will you have? 60+ if DW, 120+ if NJ



    10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? Simple in my eyes, but I suppose that's relative.



    11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? We'll make them, we are very casual with a good sense of humor, there are no boundaries.


    12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? 0. F the cake. Do you recall the last slice of wedding cake you had? Maybe cupcakes, maybe something outlandish like Pop Rocks and Vodka.



    13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? No, please no! (sorry)



    14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? Sunset. Sunrise is private and midday is mundane.



    15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? Hopefully both, open air. A couple must prep for rain. I love rain and would love to eat, drink and dance in it, but my guests prefer to keep dry and I respect that.


    16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? Hmmm...Do I trust this "someone else"...depends on how things work out.


    17. How did/will the bride enter? with my dad


    18. Song to walk down the aisle to: Superfreak. j/k...maybe


    19. Song to make your exit: It's good to be a gangsta. j/k...maybe, haven't thought of it yet.


    20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? light, way light



    21. At what age did you think you would get married? Never considered it.



    22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? my side, a select few; his side, everyone



    23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? Hmmm....being that most "fine-dining" at the weddings I've been too was CRAP....simply delicious, upscale BBQ.



    24. Champagne or red wine? Is this a funny? Seriously? Both, at least!


    25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? probably awhile after, Africa.



    26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? brand new to both and special to me now and him after.


    27. Who will pay for the bills? He has a paying job, I'm back in school for a 2nd BA...


    28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? absolutely, we've seen the bad, good and ugly.



    29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? You know you've found the right one when he gives up his side of the bed so you can squish into that one spot in his armpit (facing the TV) where you can fall asleep when you have insomnia. Really? Ich liebe meine teddybar.



  11. I'd think itching your ass would be a harder hide! Ewww dingleberry.


    No personal experience, thankfully. I lived in GA for 2 years and FL for 4, so I know all about the little buggers and have seen their conglomerate opperate. Not perty.


    I think I was spoiled by the soft NE grass. Never wanted to step on it when I moved down south; all prickly and thick. Think I avoided the reds that way. Go figure being a grass snob would help a sister out.

  12. First, the TTD thing. I would have made him do it, then done a 4-course breakfast session, with friends and family, photog capturing him hurl all over himself, then crucified him. You are a saint and I admire your composure.


    OK...first a couple of questions:


    1. How old is he? If he is over 25, it's weird that he is still out until 4:30am and hung over on the weekends. As well, I see his friends have no kids...ie they're out partying and letting him stay over on weekends...leading to my next question...


    2. What was the situation with him sleeping at his friends place every weekend before the wedding, for the last 8 years? I ask this b/c it sounds like you are asking for a problem here. Let me explain, not blaming you, just saying...I am not a jealous woman by any means, but my fiance would not be sleeping anywhere but in our bed, except for the very rare occassion. Nor would I for that matter. There is nothing good coming from this. Yes, trust, trust trust. I trust my dog won't go through the garbage too, but I'm not leaving it out in the morning either, and that beach is trained!! Just somethin' ta roll around.


    Now...heeheeheee As far as the dogs and the groceries...darling, get creative. Picture this, you take the dogs out unbeknownst to your hubbie. Heck, he's hungover on the couch, won't even know you did it. Save a good dookers, a real stinker, and place it in his shoe (or whatever other crap he left laying around apparently too hungover to put where it lives), give it a smush or so.

    *Sorry puppers, but daddy needs a lesson.*

    Anyhoo... Then, you go grocery shopping while he's passed out. Picture it:

    You are putting away Lean Cuisines, Kashi meals a head of lettuce and low or non-fat everything (that he will NEVER eat and the ONLY things you purchased!). The bags are crinkling, cabinets are banging (a wee bit louder than usual). He wakes up hooting about how you're banging around and smells something ...poop in the shoe. (evil grin)

    You: "Honey, I thought you were going to walk Fido? I think he's sick, there's poop in your shoe."

    Suddenly he realizes all that hungover sleeping and shoe-poo cleaning has worked up an appetite...to find Kashi in the ol' ice-box.

    You: "Sorry hon, you were sleeping, I wasn't sure what you wanted."

    Repeat as necessary.



    Apologies for babbling, first week of classes, Physics & Toxicology have me in rare form.

  13. I say have a little fun with them...hehehehe.


    Hmmm...let's start with the dresses. Oh how you should go to the thrift shop and purchase some serious BM dresses. Ones that will make them thankful for the real ones. Play a little jokie-joke on them. You know, find the most hideous dresses, the ones we all dread wearing. Personally I promised my girls I would put them in poofy purple dresses with orange polka dots and a hugely unflattering unflattering cut. I WILL be the prettiest on my day Biotches!

    Now I would never really do it, or would I? Undecided...

    Anyhoo, I think it would make a great funny to show them their NEW dresses...lots and lots and lots of taffeta and tulle!


    Next up, find yourself a seriously flamboyant stylist to "consult" your girls. I mean let those gals sit in the chair and "ol' girl" will have at them! And tell him to kick his glam into high gear, we're talking Derek J style. From top to bottom, full finger swaying, snapping and head-shaking. Have him pull out the scissors for effect. It would be FAB-U-LOUS! Talkin' bout "giiirrrrl, you need" and "oh honey, seriously." Be sure to have photographer on site to catch their reactions... Only when they are completely hot with anger do you let them know it's a gag.


    If they won't have fun with you, you'll just be forced to make them your fun!

  14. Sounds like they're both drama queens, her and her bf. I'm confused? Are her fingers broken, was there a horrible accident or illness that has her hands bound and fingers limp? Why is it that you have to seek out prices for her?


    Just nod and smile and let her and her bf figure it out. Sounds like her bf might have the right idea for the wrong reasons. The price is steep for this resort, which you are aware. It might be easier for her to stay at the Royal for less days. Even though she knew she was supposed to be there on Thursday too..such is life, if she can't be. Is she one of your witnesses? If so, see if you can't find an alternate just in case. This way at least you are covered.


    Some people just wait till the last minute to do things. Soon her logic is going to be, "the closer to summer the cheaper the tix will be...ie. last minute deals. Nod, smile and worry about what you can control, not what you can't.


    Hang in there girlie, people WILL try your nerves!

  15. OK... I know I am going to be in the minority on this one, but here goes....


    Mr. Stowe is a party promoter...it's what his company does. He's not an insurance executive for heaven's sake! I'm sure he's a little cocky, but probably not a total DB when it comes down to it. His events are usually kicked up when hotties of both sexes attend and let's be honest here...Generally when men and woman go out to clubs and bars they ARE looking to meet attractive, successful, available guys/gals. No one wants a broke ass married loser that looks like he/she was hit in the face with a bag of nickels!


    Why not take advantage of the situation? Obviously it is going to be quite the soiree, eh? See what kind of discount he can offer you gals, being that his gig bumped yours....

    Emphasize that you are a bunch of hotties looking to have a blast of a bachelorette party. I bet he'd hook you guys up, if not that night, for another event. Maybe you'd have a time of it, meet some celebs...could be entertaining.


    Play nice and WORK THE ANGLE!!! Just my $.02

  16. Oh dear. {{{HUGS}}}


    Seems like the bases have been covered by previous posters. Be strong and lean on your support network when you aren't. It shouldn't be your burden to investigate his actions or bear any blame in this situation. His actions are inappropriate, and only he is responsible for them.


    IMPO at minimum, consult with a good divorce attorney now. Even if you decide to work things through, better to be advised the best way to document his downfall should he not hold up his end of the bargain. I know it sounds cynical, but if it were me, I'd rather be prepared with eyes open than blinded by love. Protect yourself first. Base your decisions off what you know, not what you want to know.


    Again, here's some more {{{HUGS}}}

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