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MC Hicks

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Posts posted by MC Hicks

  1. Hi there! Are you talking about the Tabasco's by Club Cascadas that's on the beach? If so, I was just there last month. It's really just a few plastic tables, umbrellas, and a shack that serves minimal food, but good drinks. I don't think it stays open past 7 or 8pm. We ended up for our bachelor/bachelorette party at Billygan's. We originally were going to have it at the Office, but we didn't make reservations. When we arrived at the Office, it was packed! Billygan's was right next door, and no one was there. We asked if they could accomadate 40 ppl and they treated us so well! We had the place to ourselves, and it was great b/c they had a bar area, as well as tables to sit. They even set up a long table to hold all 40 of us. The food wasn't the best, but it's really just a fun party gathering place and people can order tacos, etc.

    Plus it was nice since it's on the beach, but the restaurant has flooring, so you're not in the sand the whole time. They too have tables on the sand if you like that option. Tabasco's (if it's the same one I think you are speaking of) is really just a good place to meet up during the day for some drinks and chips/salsa. If it's not, so sorry if I wasted your time!! There's a lot of other options too for a rehearsal dinner/welcome dinner. Look on the site and I think there a lot of posts for them! Good luck and congrats!!

  2. Hi there! Are you talking about the Tabasco's by Club Cascadas that's on the beach? If so, I was just there last month. It's really just a few plastic tables, umbrellas, and a shack that serves minimal food, but good drinks. I don't think it stays open past 7 or 8pm. We ended up for our bachelor/bachelorette party at Billygan's. We originally were going to have it at the Office, but we didn't make reservations. When we arrived at the Office, it was packed! Billygan's was right next door, and no one was there. We asked if they could accomadate 40 ppl and they treated us so well! We had the place to ourselves, and it was great b/c they had a bar area, as well as tables to sit. They even set up a long table to hold all 40 of us. The food wasn't the best, but it's really just a fun party gathering place and people can order tacos, etc.

    Plus it was nice since it's on the beach, but the restaurant has flooring, so you're not in the sand the whole time. They too have tables on the sand if you like that option. Tabasco's (if it's the same one I think you are speaking of) is really just a good place to meet up during the day for some drinks and chips/salsa. If it's not, so sorry if I wasted your time!! There's a lot of other options too for a rehearsal dinner/welcome dinner. Look on the site and I think there a lot of posts for them! Good luck and congrats!!

  3. Glad I'm not the only one! We finally have a day off together on Tuesday so we plan on going to finally get our rings. Plus I now need to have my engagement ring resized since I've finally lost some weight.

    I can't believe November is already here....where did October go?!! Eeek!!

  4. Sorry I haven't kept up much lately. Work has been crazy busy (14-17 hour days for me!).

    Glad to see everyone is checking things off their lists. I think I'm pretty ahead of the game so far. Just received my invites today, so am hoping to get them out next week! Plus I'm officially married (did our legal ceremony earlier this month)!


    Still need to do:



    wedding bands

    shoes, jewelry

    send invites

    music list

    wedding party/parents gifts

    clothes for the honeymoon/trip

    book out hotel for honeymoon

    purchase favors


    Ok, now it seems like I'm not so far ahead!


    Thanks for keeping me motiviated ladies! I was JUST telling my husband that I had my first wedding stress dream too. Yikes! Time IS flying by.

    Hope everyone is coming along with their plans too, and getting sleep.

    BTW, Lisa, I love your pumpkin!! So cool!

    Happy Halloween everyone!

  5. We actually rented a car during our site visit. It's totally fine, but just make sure your own car insurance will cover you down there. Read the fine print of course, and it always helps to know where you're going! Otherwise, it's a little bit more expensive than here in the states from what I recall. We only used it to visit places, etc. but not to go out at night since parking is a hassle.

    I know a lot of brides have used transportation companies for their guests, like Epic and a few other businesses. Just look at some of their reviews on here.

    I hope this helps!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tam View Post
    Hey all you Jan. brides,
    Do any of you know/have a master list of what needs to be done in terms of organizing the entire wedding?
    I am having a slight panic attack now as I read through everyone's lists.
    Hi Tam! I think if you go onto the websites like theknot.com, or theweddingchannel.com, they have some lists that you can download. I hope it helps. I keep adding, and adding.....ugh! Good luck, and hope you can find a good list on one of those sites.
  7. Hello again Allison!

    I too had the same decision to make, except I also had Dino on my list. My coordinator said I couldn't go wrong with any of them.

    In the end I chose Gilda because I too love her colors and her photos seem timeless to me. Also her packagaes fit our budget. If you want me to PM you the quotes I received from my coordinator, I'd be happy to! Good luck and let me know what you decide!

  8. Thanks again ladies! I think they'll get over it eventually. I did apologize profusely, and told them I would still love for them to cater our wedding. I'm guessing I'll receive a response tomorrow from them.

    Joss, I actually have a coordinator, but between her and 2 other people looking for a private villa for me, no one could find anything. So, I decided to take things into my own hands! Glad I did b/c I think I found the perfect place that I always envisioned.

    I appreciate all your advice! It's helped me calm down a bit. Thanks god for this site some days or else I think I would lose my mind worrying! Hope you all had a great weekend!

  9. Thanks Joss. To clarify, the caterers will be able to cater our reception at the other villa we want. They are pretty much an "all around" business and also happened to have a villa they rent out for weddings. It was kind of an "added bonus" I guess. So, we still want to do business with them, just not the villa they provided.

    I just finished sending them an apologetic email explaining everything. In talking to my FI about it, he said, "hey if they are that mad and don't want to do any business with us, there are plenty of other people out there that do". He's right, and so are you when you said I can control the outcome of our day. Thanks for your imput! It helped a lot!

    I can't believe how I am suddenly stressing about things! Then again, only 5 months to go and we still don't have our venue pinned down, EEEK! I hope this all comes together soon.

    Thank you again Joss! I needed to hear that!


  10. I love that dress too Joss! So pretty and will perfect for a DW!


    On another note, I need your advice ladies. So, I've been working with the caterers on finding a private villa for our ceremony/reception. Long story short, the one they found is very beautiful, and since there was nothing else out there, I decided to go ahead and say yes to it. We were about to send in our deposit, but my mother had a little accident so it delayed us sending it. Meantime, I got a call back from another villa owner saying their place may be available. Now, I'm afraid to tell the caterers that we found another villa (which is bigger, on the beach, and exactly what I had envisioned) and will not be sending them money for theirs! We still want them to cater our wedding, but they have been so patient and understanding about my mother, etc.

    I just don't want to piss them off! I feel so bad about this, but in the end, I want the other villa. We communicate by email, and I'm going to have to send one explaining what has happened. UGH, I dread this!

    Do any of you think this is really bad of me? I plan to apologize profusely to them since they have been so nice. Any suggestions? I just hope they don't think I was lying about my mom, etc. So stressed about this!

    Thanks for listening ladies!

  11. Joss, I wish you luck, and am sure you will find a dress you love in time! Too funny about the woman's look when you told her your wedding date! I actually just got a call today letting me know mine came in early. I ordered it mid-April, and they said I probably wouldn't have it until October, so I hope that gives you hope! Good luck!

  12. I too know how frustrating the plateau can be! I hit a plateau after losing about 30 pounds, and still had another 10 to lose. I ended up eating a little bit more than usual for a few days, and then dropped the calories again. It actually worked. Plus it was great to indulge a little!! I was careful not to go too overboard of course, and still keep my fat amounts in check.

    I think the other ladies suggestions of switching up your exercise routine will help too! Good luck, you can do it!! Keep us posted on how you're doing.

  13. Ok, so here's a quick breakdown:




    Hair/makeup salon booked

    STD's sent out

    Coordinator hired

    Wedding dress ordered

    Shoes purchased (although I have to see if they'll match the dress still!)

    Photog hired

    DJ - almost hired

    Caterer hired


    TO DO:

    Groom's clothing

    Venue booked - almost booked one villa, but coordinator came up with a fabulous one! So glad I waited to send the check!



    Gifts for bridal party

    Gifts for parents

    Honeymoon plans

    Invites - although I do know which ones I want, just waiting to find out the venue info to put on them!


    There are so many other little things to add to all of this, but I think I am fairly ahead of the game! My goal is to really finalize as much as I can by November! Still don't have favors, etc. either. We're not doing OOT bags b/c everyone is staying in different places. Too hard to get them all out!


    Thanks again for this thread! I'll keep checking back to see what others have posted so that I don't forget all the little details!

    Good luck to everyone! January is just around the corner!

  14. Like many others, we are getting married in the states before, then the symbolic ceremony in Mexico. We mainly decided to do it for legal reasons. We just want to make sure it will hold up in court (not for divorce reasons of course), but for other legal matters in the future. I'm sure a legal marriage in Mexico will hold up in the U.S., but I guess we're just a bit more cautious than most people. I don't think it would be that much of a hassle to have it legal in MX. So many brides on here have done it w/o any problems!

  15. Wow, I just found this thread today! I too am a January bride, the 16th to be exact. After reading this thread, I realized I REALLY need to sit down tonight an make a list of things to do, and things done! Thank you ladies for posting all of yours. It will give me a good start on what I need to list! Once I have it, I'll post it.

    Thank you Lisa for starting this thread! Time to get cracking!

  16. There are so many great restaurants in Cabo and San Jose! I think there's a thread about it here. But to add a few more, Sunset de Mona Lisa is just a few miles from downtown Cabo. It has great Italian food and you can't beat the view! It's right on the water and it's absolutely gorgeous. Also Mi Casa (they have a few other restaurants they own in Cabo as well and are just as good!). Puerto Vieja is another one and it's right down the road from Sunset de ML. It too has great views and many other ladies on here have had their rehearsal dinners/wedding receptions there. Check out the thread and I think you'll find some great recommendations. Good luck and let us know what you decide!


  17. Fabulous ideas! I hope this thread keeps growing. I suggest a little "mini wedding day emergency kit". Maybe just a large make up bag filled with things like:


    Static guard

    shout wipes, chalk (like others suggested)

    Safety pins

    double stick tape


    straight pins

    bobby pins/hair ties, etc.

    small can of hairspray to put in your purse for touch ups


    Small trial size bottles of things you might need but don't want the full bottle size. Working at a hotel and seeing many weddings, I always thought the brides who have these little kits were genius. This way, everyone in your wedding party is covered too and it won't take up a ton of room in your suitcase.

  18. I'm using Jenny with Baja Weddings. So far she's been great. Very on top of things and has some very good advice. She can tell you the positives and negatives of the things you want. Very informative and responds immediately. Good Luck and Congratulations!!

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