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Posts posted by LaBre

  1. Oh girls, you're just great!! Thank you SO MUCH for your warm and supportive messages! I can't express my appreciation enough!!


    Rachel - You didn't misread. We were scheduled for November. I think the swine flu was an excuse to have us change the wedding to make it more convenient for the in-laws. I also suspect that they may not appreciate nor trust the latin culture. That may sound like a harsh judgement, but I'm pretty sure a fairly accurate one. Thanks so much for the pdf info.


    I know that PV is perfectly safe. In fact, we are going to go there next month for my birthday. My FI has never been, and I know he would love the experience, even if it isn't for our nuptials.


    Kristy- Congrats to you! I would love to hear of your experiences and get information from you. Thanks so much for the offer. I used to live in Ft. Lauderdale and loved going down to Key West and renting a scooter. What a hoot!


    Kstinson - Wow! You had to change 3 WEEKS OUT?! That must have been a crazy ride! And yours is coming up soon! All the best! I look forward to hearing all about it and seeing the pics. Maui is stunning! Unfortunately it's beyond our price range as my parents are also paying for my sister and her family.


    Mrsrhbtobe - I hadn't considered Lake Tahoe. In fact, I've never been. If you would happen to have any info from the wedding you attended there, I think it may be worth investigating. Thanks for the idea. BTW - LOVE your tagline! Oh so true!


    MegaShay - If you happen to have any info or links for info from your cousin's wedding, I would sure appreciate that too. Thanks!


    Autjo - Wow! Pics in Sedona, ceremony in Vegas, and wedding in Mexico! Someone is doin' it up right!! We went to Sedona last year and loved it. I look forward to seeing your pics. Such incredible vistas all around!


    H&F - I haven't actually considered Costa Rica.....I think the FI's family may have the same issues as they did with Mexico, as I think the swine flu was more of a convenient excuse for them. I used to live in CR and LOVE it. It would be another perfect place for a wedding most certainly!


    Again.....thank you all so much for the incredible support. I'll be sure to keep you all updated, and please pass any ideas on to me. As of now, I'm not sure where I should be posting anything. I feel a little bit like an orphan! (but with a loving family - just no home - I guess that doesn't make me an orphan.....just homeless....LOL)


    Very sincerely sending out love, peace, and cyberhugs!


  2. Well....it appears I no longer belong on this thread. We canceled our November wedding in Puerto Vallarta after much screaming and swearing by my future mother-in-law (who appeared to be a very classy and together lady before this came up) on the phone. She already has some health concerns and the swine flu risk was too much for her. In fact, it spread like cancer and her whole family and some friends were up in arms as well. It doesn't even matter that the travel advisories have been dropped! I find that absolutely ridiculous, but we had to cancel regardless to try to save what is left of the already strained relationship between my wonderfully warm-hearted FI and his crazy family.


    So now we're back to ground zero.


    Some places we're considering are the Grand Canyon, Sedona, Vegas, Key West. Still not sure at all! I have my mom's blessing to run off and elope too! The top of a mountain in Nepal sounds enticing.


    Invites were out. We were all booked as well as my family and a few friends.


    Anyone know what the correct etiquette is if we do choose another location and invite the same guests? New invitations? Or are email and website updates (which we've been doing) sufficient?


    Staying strong and exploring options......La

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by katken View Post
    I agree. I've tried my dress on with flats and I don't feel like a bride at all. I'm wearing kick ass four inch hot pink platforms that I'm super excited about. I'm really used to wearing heals so I think that's what I feel most comfortable in. I'm going to ask them to extend the platform so I don't end up standing on sand at all.
    LOL!!! That's great! I can hardly wait to see the pics with your shoes!
  4. That's awesome Helen!! Thanks for all the great info. I love Katie and Chris's photos! That price sure is far lower than the quotes I have from other photographers!! (although generally I think they include far more pics on the dvd) How long did they have him for?

    Thanks for the tip on booking online for golf too. I'll check out the courses you mentioned. So are you saying you gave folks the oot bags before even leaving for Mexico?

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NaM View Post
    Man, 42 in one day is a lot! We have our rooms on hold until October so no one is in a rush to book/pay either. Some people have written and said they got their flights but are holding on the hotel since it is being held. Got our whole bridal party (14 people!) and parents book though. It will be here before we know it!!
    Hey NaM. Did you have to go directly through the hotel to have your rooms held until Oct, or did you guys put down a hefty deposit? I've never heard that it's an option to hold rooms that long.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tracy_S View Post
    Yeah I found my dress at Beautiful Bride on Glenmore and Macleod there.. it is a Pattis dress and I absolutely love it! I had to buy it off the rack which worked out great, cause the dress price went up to 2300 something, and they let me have the originial price of 1582 if I could buy it off the rack so I did! But yeah they have some super nice dresses there.. I think you need an appointment.. just so you know!
    We did end up going there. Just today, my Mom drove up and we went dress shopping. We went to 3 stores. That was enough! It was a hoot! But exhausting! I have it narrowed down to 9. (LOL) I was surprised by how many fit me perfectly, apart from the length, that I had the option to purchase off the rack. That's great that you were able to find a perfect one off the rack AND get a good deal!! I think I'll have to go back a few times and retry everything!!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tracy_S View Post
    Well I only have 16 guests total coming and then myself and my grooom, but no we gave everyone the deadline to have their deposits in and they were all paid on that date or a day later. My TA and I were really on top of things and sent out reminder emails the week before and a day before to remind them. We just added two people to make up the 16 and they haven't put their deposit down yet, but other than that everyone else did it on time. Made me feel pretty good knowing that all my guests were booked! I highly recommend a deposit route and a deadline if you can!
    That's great Tracy! Good for you getting them all booked! We have gone the deadline route as well, but are still pretty unsure as to how it's going to work out. Our deadline to book is the 20th of May. Only 8 people (including us) have booked so far. An email reminder sounds like a great idea. My FI has been wanting to send out email reminders every other day. Perhaps now might be a good time. Thanks!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tracy_S View Post
    I did mine really early thinking about the same thing. I sent mine out in Jan, and had a deposit deadline of april 7th. Just the deposit not the entire trip to be paid for... it seriously helped in getting people to book their deposits anyways... now they have until Sept to pay off the rest of their entire trip... I wanted to give them as much notice as possible too...
    Hey Tracy, do you have a lot of guests who won't know if they can come until closer to the date, or did pretty much everyone get their deposits in on time?
  9. Wow! A trade of the trip for photos sounds like a great deal!! Lucky you!!


    Also very smart to spread out the oot bag stuff among your people. Just out of curiosity, what are you putting in them?


    At $150/hr for chocolate and strawberries, that better be mighty fine chocolate!!!


    Celina - I'm interested to hear what it was like down there too. I hear there are no concerns among the locals except that it is eerily quiet?

  10. Thanks so much for posting those amazing pics and sharing your info with us KayLMR. I weeped my way through the slideshow. Especially loved number 44! It was beautiful how the children were involved in the ceremony.


    Congratulations Ava and Heatherbean!!


    Goldstein To Be - Sounds like you have an adventure on your hands! I'll bet it's going to turn out even better than expected with this change of events. Maybe you'll find some fantastic deals on stuff while you're down there due to low tourism!


    I wanted to ask you ladies what you're all doing about photos. KayLMR, do you mind sharing how much Aldo Tovar charged, and what his package included? I haven't heard too many positive things about the Riu photographers. Anyone have different experience? I've been in contact with both Alfonso Lepe, and Paulina Uolla, who have similar rates (until Alfonso came back with a counter offer- a smokin' deal!) and both seem to do great work. I have also heard that the Riu doesn't appreciate outside photographers. Can anyone verify or nullify that?


    Another question for you ladies who've already been. What has been the feedback on the zip tours? I've heard they are incredible down there, but never from anyone who has been.


    Also, Helen, I think it was you who mentioned golfing, and that you may have more info around that? I would love some info regarding the courses, how far in advance tee times have to be booked etc. Thanks!


    And oot bags.......did you gals bring most of your stuff, or find local stuff down there?


    Thanks so much for sharing all of your experience and knowledge ladies! This forum is indeed a real treasure!!



  11. Wowsers!!! After reading all of these messages, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry!!


    I'm a November bride as well, and it appears I've been doing things a bit backwards!


    -We got our invites out (DIY - what a hoot! Perhaps I'll post a pic on another thread) a couple of weeks ago. We sent out about 140 (Jewish FI with a 2 moms!) but are only expecting about 30-40 guests.


    -Our website has been up and running for about 2 months Welcome To LaBre Life CommUniOne CeLaBretion Wedding Website!


    -We have a GREAT TA (Lindsay, from this site), but no one is booked yet except for my parents and sister/brother-in-law. Our wedding isn't even confirmed, as we don't have 10 rooms booked yet! I'm not too worried however, as we're getting married on a Monday, which, for some weird reason, isn't the most popular day of the week for a wedding! (lol)


    -I have the photographers narrowed down to 3...... Paulina Ulloa, Elizabeth Lloyd, or Alfonso Lepe. Thoughts? I still haven't heard feedback from anyone who has worked with Alfonso. I hope to have my decision made in the next couple of days. I've also heard that the Riu doesn't like outside photographers, and it may be necessary that they come as a guest?


    -I'm going to start looking at dresses later this week, which I think was one of my biggest concern after reading this thread. A lot of you ladies sure are on the ball!!!


    -The other big concern was the bridal party. I still haven't asked anyone other than my sister (who accepted). I am getting 2 new sisters out of this marriage deal - neither of whom I'm close to (FI's family lives on the other side of the country) As well....I have 3 very good friends I would love to have. Is that crazy to have such a large wedding party for a small wedding? They are all shaped extremely differently too. From very short and heavy, to very tall, to tiny. Any ideas for dresses with such a challenge?


    -No idea about oot bags yet, as it is entirely unclear as to who will be joining us, but I've started gathering ideas.


    Up to this point, that's all I have!


    Guess I had better get moving!!


    Thanks for all the insights and ideas ladies!! I love it!




    ps - Ashley, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, but am glad to hear of what a long, full, and great life she had. Surely an inspiration!

  12. Hi there! I'm getting married at the Riu Jalisco at the end of November. The travel agent we were using is a good friend and she just told us she isn't going to handle our booking anymore. I think things were getting a bit too complicated for her for the amount of time she has available to commit to this (she has another full-time day job), and some of the guests have specific needs.


    She had told us initially that we had until the end of April to reserve and pay our deposit, as she was working with a wholesaler and arranging the flights on charters in a group.


    I'm not sure which way we are going to go now. Is it better to have one TA do all the arrangements? Is there a benefit to us and our guests? How would we do it otherwise?


    We're in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


    I'd really appreciate some opinions and feedback on this.


    THANK YOU!!!




    ps-a couple of months ago, I was on here and saw a thread for Riu Jalisco brides. I can't find it anymore. Does anyone know where it may be?

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