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Posts posted by darkblue

  1. Before we decided to have a DW, we were going to get married on our 7th anniversary (April 26, 2010). Once we decided on a DW, we wanted to move the date up since we wouldn't need quite as much time to plan things out. We moved it up by 6 months to our "half" anniversary (October 26th).. so now we'll get to celebrate twice a year! :)

  2. Congrats, and welcome to the forum! Hop on over to "The Islands" forum and the St. Thomas brides thread when you get a chance.. there's some great info over there! :)

  3. Welcome to the forum! I'm getting married in St. Thomas in October. We haven't decided on a coordinator yet, though.


    Be sure to check out The Islands forum and the St. Thomas Brides thread.. there's lots of helpful information over there. :)

  4. My mother is going to be my MOH and his is going to be his Best.. Woman? We need to come up with a better title for her, haha. We're only having 8 other people aside from us at the wedding, but honestly, we'd want it to be the same even if we did the big wedding thing at home. After each other, we're both closest with our mothers.


    When my cousin got married, she had both of her parents walk her down the aisle. I thought that was SO sweet and would like to do the same.


    Btw, jennierin, I *love* the idea of meeting your daughter halfway. :)

  5. Would it be possible to have your reception after the ceremony and do the island tour after that? Or, what time does your ship leave? Maybe you could have your reception after the second wedding.


    If it were me, I probably wouldn't be happy about it. I'm not sure how much you have planned through her, though.. would it be hard to start working with another WC at this point?

  6. Would it be possible to have your reception after the ceremony and do the island tour after that? Or, what time does your ship leave? Maybe you could have your reception after the second wedding.


    If it were me, I probably wouldn't be happy about it. I'm not sure how much you have planned through her, though.. would it be hard to start working with another WC at this point?

  7. Thank you for this! We're searching for a resort and a coordinator now, so I'll definitely be bookmarking this for future reference. :)


    I'm glad to hear you liked Iggie's! We've seen the website before, and it does look like a fun place. It's already on our To Do List.

  8. Sherri: Thank you! :)


    Prettyhazardous, thank you for those suggestions. I'll add both of those beaches to The List. We'll be getting married on a Monday, so no problems there. Who is your WC, btw?


    Petunia: all of the pictures I've seen show what it would look like from the back of the ceremony (ie, a shot down the aisle looking at the water). What does the surrounding area look like? We just wanted to make sure that there isn't a busy parking lot or bar or something directly next to where the ceremony would be taking place. Is there a possibility for a lot of onlookers on a Monday around sunset?

  9. Hey everyone! My name is Nicole, and I'm from New Jersey. My fiance (Alexthegroom) and I are planning on getting married on October 26, 2009 (our five and a half year anniversary). We haven't picked a location yet. We're currently in the process of researching resorts, and wow, they all look so beautiful!


    What we *have* decided so far is that we want a small wedding with just our parents and siblings (10 of us in total). We both have this image of having our ceremony on a little grassy knoll overlooking the beach. I've seen photos of Bluebeard's Beach around... does anyone know anything about it? We've never been to St. Thomas before, so your expertise is greatly appreciated. :)

  10. Hey everyone! My name is Nicole, and I'm from New Jersey. My fiance (Alexthegroom) and I are planning on getting married on October 26, 2009 (our six and a half year anniversary). We haven't picked a location yet. We're currently in the process of researching resorts, and wow, they all look so beautiful!


    What we *have* decided so far is that we want a small wedding with just our parents and siblings (10 of us in total). We both have this image of having our ceremony on a little grassy knoll overlooking the beach. I've seen some photos of Bluebeard's Beach around... does anyone know anything about it? We've never been to St. Thomas, so your expertise is greatly appreciated. :)

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