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Posts posted by futuremrskeister

  1. I have a question on all of this too... Our wedding is in only 6 months, we just got engaged last month and if we didn't do it in June this year, we wouldn't be able to do it until 2010 and we don't want to wait that long. (due to other close friends' weddings, grad school, holidays, etc.) So, we are just doing an E-Save the Date, which most everyone already knows our wedding website, so they are getting all of our travel info from there. I want to do the boarding pass invites, but just think it's weird since if people book their trip, we obviously know they are attending, so do we still request for them to mail in their rsvp (return ticket) to us and pay for all of that postage, etc.


    Also, if we have an AHR, can you invite people to that if you don't invite them to the DW? I'm sure there is some type of etiquette to all of that, but I can't find the info.


    Anyone know?? THanks so much!

  2. I don't have enough points to open the templates. So frustrated, every time I feel like I have points, they are gone already. Can anyone send the template to me? I am skipping the save the dates since our wedding is only 6 months away and trying to do the boarding passes for the invites. We have a wedding website, so I don't feel as though I need too much info on the invites, just the basics with the return ticket for rsvp. Eventhough once people book their wedding, I guess that's their rsvp. Right? I guess it's just different for us since our wedding is right around the corner. Has anyone else had this as an issue? Thanks for ANY help anyone can give, it's much appreciated.

  3. Is anyone waiting for the Moon Palace opening this weekend to decide on having a wedding there? I am! So just wondering if anyone is in the same boathuh.gif I am supposed to be having our wedding June 26 at Moon in Mexico, but my mom owns a travel agency and is now pushing Punta Cana, DR and I really want to change our plans since we just decided, so can still change everything. We would have to decide this weekend though since it's six months away and our guests are needing to book right away. What are the legal requirements? Are they much different from Mexico?


    I need help deciding what to do!! I'm so confused!


    Any help is much appreciated! Of course!

  4. Has anyone else had a hard time deciding between a civil wedding or symbolic? I have my wedding date set and as of right now, it is for the symbolic wedding. I was thinking that all of the paperwork and blood tests were too stressful, but now I am reconsidering. I think it would be great for that to be our true wedding day, so just wondering if anyone else had a hard time with this decision and if you found any information that was helpful?? Thank you so much!

  5. Camie- Thanks! My sister-in law talked to our WC in Miami and seemed to have worked out some details and hopefully we'll have a revised contract sometime this week! I'm excited to get married' date=' but we are having a short engagement, so planning is in super overdrive which makes me kinda panic! QUOTE']


    Blaired, what items did your sister-in-law change on the contract? The group contract is definitely the way to go since that's the only way to get some of the extra amenities when you book a specific amount of rooms. (At least that's what I have been told.) My mom owns her own travel agency and has been helping with all my wedding plans at Moon Palace. I received my confirmation and contract today and need to sign and send it back, so that's why I was curious about what items you are having changed. My fiance is an attorney as well, and I haven't had an opportunity to review it with him today, so maybe he will notice the same things?? Good luck with all your planning and let me know if you need anything. We too are having a short engagement, just got engaged before Christmas and our wedding date is June 26, 09 and we are paying for everything on our own, which always makes decisions a little more difficult! :)

  6. Moon Palace Brides, I am working on confirming my date at Moon Palace presently and had a question or two. Has anyone had their ceremony in the actual chapel? I thought that would be great, except people may not get to see you that well coming in on the horse carriage, but the chapel looks really pretty. If anyone has an photos or comments, that would be great, before I lock everything in. I am also wondering if everyone does a reception after? The reason I ask is because we are trying to not spend much money, but I want everything to be nice, but if we are going to have to pay a bunch, we could just stay here and do it and be able to have everyone at the ceremony. With a destination wedding, our friends with new babies, won't be able to make it. We just figured dw is best for us since we don't have large families, my parents are not paying for a wedding, we love to travel and this way we can keep it smaller (50 people?) and not spend $20k - $100k!!! We have a ton of weddings and bachelorette/bachelor parties this year, so that's already costing us a fortune and I recently went back to school to finish my Masters.


    Also, how much is it for the stereo equipment for us to play our own ipods? I haven't seen that listed on any of the paperwork. Does everyone like the photographers there that you have to use? I am only interested in a video of the ceremony on dvd and a cd of all of our photos, I don't need anything printed out at all. Do you have to purchase a package to get the cd? I would want them to take photos at the ceremony, as well as the reception (if we have one) and just get a cd so I can decide what we want to do with the pictures. Just wondering if anyone knows if that's possible?


    Sorry so long, thank you for your help!!


    Happy Holidays everyone!

  7. I am reading through all of these posts, but new, so forgive me if I'm asking a question that has already been answered a bunch. I am trying to decide between a few different locations and resorts and the Sky Wedding is why I love Sensatori.


    We are paying for our wedding ourselves and I am in Grad school, so trying to be cost effective, which is difficult since we travel a ton and have become rather spoiled. Our guests are such a mix with some rarely traveling and will be happy at any resort, some travel regularly like us and have higher expectations from a vacation.


    Is everyone doing the reception and has anyone received a total of what their weddings are costing? I am just wondering what the averages are before I book this for sure. I don't understand how it costs so much per person for private events or cocktail hours when everyone has already paid so much for all-inclusive, is it just because it's private?


    I am anxious to see more photos and reviews.


    Did anyone not choose the sky wedding for a reason?


    Also, if you are having a wedding with friends and family here, are you leaving to go some where different for your honeymoon?


    One more... Do they let you stay there complimentary for your site visit?


    Thank you for your help and good luck to any brides leaving soon!

  8. Just got engaged 3 days ago, so still taking it all in!! Hoping this site might help me make some decisions. We will be paying for everything on our own and I'm in Grad school right now, so just a tad stressed.


    1. Jennifer Gray

    2. Not set yet, trying for June 09, if not, it may not be until Jan/Feb 2010

    (I am the MOH in my best friend's wedding in October and we have a million other things going on, plus I'm in Grad school and only have certain breaks we can plan it for.)

    3. Not set yet, favoring Riviera Maya, Mexico

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