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Posts posted by Bridget810

  1. I just wanted to share my experience--I flew Delta, and was told that if I brought my dress, it would count as my carry-on, so I couldn't bring another carry-on (other than a purse). I would definitely check with your carrier first, as you don't want to risk having to check something important! As for his suit, we put his in a checked suitcase, and bought a portable steamer for $30 from Bed, Bath, and Beyond--which worked wonderfully on my dress as well. My dress was hanged in the first class closet with no problem.

  2. I know I'm starting to sound like an infomercial. but I'm going to continue anyway. I started this video in March, and kept it up until May (my wedding date was May 11th), and it worked like a charm. I've had at least 10 facebook friends ask me where I got my abs/toned arms/etc. after they looked at my wedding photos--and now they are hooked on Jillian. I'm 29, and I never thought my body could look better than it did at 21--but apparently, it can! Honestly, this was the best workout that I can think of, especially during "crunch time". However, I did use it 5 times a week--if you skip days, it's brutal to try to get back into the Jillian routine. My best suggestion is to power through it--it really does get easier!

  3. I have the same question! Although I did not get married in Mexico (I got married in Grand Cayman), I tried to register it in our local courts, and nobody seems to know what I need to do to make sure the marriage is valid in the US. I've been researching this for days, and I've only found info on the legalities BEFORE you get married abroad--but what about afterward? Help please!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by poohshek View Post
    Level 1 is good for a "rest" day if you feel like doing something instead of taking a day off completely. I haven't tried level 2 or 3 but based on the footage, they seem more intense. Is there a guideline as to when to move up to level 2 or 3?
    I moved up to Level 2 when I felt like Level 1 wasn't "pushing" me as much--so, about 3 weeks in (for me). Now I do Level 2 MWF and Level 1 T&TH.

    And, another update on the results--I've started dropping pounds, and, for the first time in my life, I actually have a 4 pack in my stomach! I'm so excited! I do an extra set of 40 bicycle crunches at the end of each workout, and wow! I should also mention that I run on the treadmill at least 3 times a week immediately after shredding for about 30 minutes; I hear that running after strength training makes you burn more calories.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dolcegirl01 View Post
    I tried this on Monday and I was so sore yesterday (and a little bit today). I just did level one. I was amazed how fast the 20 minutes went by. I don't know how people could do it everyday for 30 days though.
    Also, what is a good weight for your arms? 3lbs? 5lbs?
    I use 3 pound weights for some exercises, 5 pound weights for others, and 8 pound weights for the butterflies. For me it just depends on which muscle I'm using and how strong or weak that particular muscle is!
  6. Poohshek--did you buy your petals from there, and if so, how did they turn out? The only problem with that site is that I would prefer a "tropical blend", as it would match my colors better; but, if the petals are of a good quality, I might go for a different color. :)


    Also, I just need them for my flower girls basket--I have two, and it would be uber-costly to buy petals down in Grand Cayman. Hence, freeze dried petals!!

  7. **BUMP!!!** I did a search to make sure that I wouldn't start a thread that already existed, but I do wish this was in a different forum, as I'm not getting married in Mexico. BUT, I am planning on buying freeze-dried petals, and I was hoping some of the other brides and brides-to-be here at BDW already bought some and could tell me how theirs turned out? Right now I'm looking at Beau-coup and Petal Garden.

  8. Just wanted to share my results. I've been using it for 3 weeks (5 days a week) and I can DEFINITELY see results! My arms & legs have become incredibly toned and shapely. However, I haven't lost any pounds, but that is likely because I've been building muscle (which, obviously, weighs more than fat). As for my stomach, I wasn't seeing any results, so I added an extra set of butterfly crunches at the end of the workout, and now I'm starting to see some results.

  9. I know that if you have blood clots you are not supposed to fly.... but as for benign tumors, I don't see why that would prevent someone from flying...?? I know your pain; my FFIL is refusing to come to the wedding because he claims to have a phobia of flying; however, like yours,vhe has flown plenty of times in the past. How annoying for you, and sad for your FI.

  10. I know there is a similar thread to this, but it turns out that most girls' beauty faves are quite expensive!


    Sooooo, what are your inexpensive beauty products (that you can get at a drug store or grocery store) that worked miracles on you?


    I'll start:


    Maybelline's Define-A-Lash: I have really pale, wimpy eyelashes, and this mascara makes me look like I'm wearing extensions--I have no idea how it works, but it is freakin' amazing!


    Dove Cream Oil: I have dry skin, and this lotion actually makes my skin really soft for 24 hours--unlike the billions of other lotions that claim to do the same.

  11. I originally planned on wearing a bustier 'cause I'm a D size, and I thought I needed the extra support, but I was really dreading the sweating and extra fabric under the dress. Thankfully, I got a corset dress, and when I went into my first fitting last week, it worked without the extra undergarments. So, in summary, if you can go without, I think it is much better!

  12. This is my opinion:


    If you've already purchased more than enough invites: send the invites to people you know aren't coming any how.


    If you expect/want a gift from this person: send the invite to them (I know this sounds greedy and horrible, my apologies, but an invite is a gentle reminder of a gift sometimes)


    If you know they aren't coming, you haven't already ordered invites and they probably won't send you a gift, don't bother.


    Okay, I know my rules probably don't follow traditional etiquette; sorry!

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