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Posts posted by amenellie

  1. one it's about cost, two my fiance is mexican, he has about 500 relatives (no joke) so if we invite one, we invite all, so that's why other family members aren't invited to make it fair, and that's why we're doing reception in san diego so all family memebers can join in, but my family (east coast based) likely wont come out to sd, so thinking this would be a way for them to join in celebration

  2. hmmmm, well i was thinking of billing it as sort of a pre-wedding party in north mass, and the san diego is a post-wedding party in san diego...telling them i want to share a part of the experience with them at home, and while i can't have them to the wedding, would love them to be a part of it (this includes, aunt and cousins)...


    i'm thinking (though don't know) that if people are offended they just won't come?

  3. Hi Ladies,


    I have an enormous etiquette question and I'm hoping to get all of your advice! So, we are getting married on August 21st, but we're just having 30-40 people. Invited guests are just very close friends and only immediate family (parents/siblings only)...


    But I want to have a bridal shower in my hometown and I want to invite friend's of my parents, aunts, cousins, etc...


    I know etiquette is that you only invite people to the shower who are invited to wedding. BUT we are having a huge blowout reception in San Diego this winter (the hometown of my fiance) where everyone will be invited. So I was thinking I would say on bridal shower invites that everyone is invited to reception but I still want to share this hometown bridal shower moment with you.


    Please tell me if that's totally awful and unacceptable and please let me know if any other brides or brides-to-be have done anything similar. I'm in need of serious guidance!!!!!!!


    Thanks so much!


  4. Hi everyone,


    Sorry if this has been covered but I'm now going through the process of finding a wedding coordinator. I have NO clue how much this is supposed to run me.


    I live in NYC so I want one here locally, and then we'll have one at our hotel in Mexico. I'm anticipating that here in NYC it will be more expensive, but just wondering on average how much they cost??




  5. Hi everyone,



    My fiance, Jorge, and I are getting married in Cancun. We aren't sure when (hopefully May or June 2009) and we're hopeful that it will be at The Ritz.


    If any of you know anyone who's been married there before we'd appreciate any references.


    Thanks much,


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