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Posts posted by 2bwilliams

  1. Congrats and welcome,


    I went to a travel agent and was given tons of books. She mentioned a resort that we could rent out with 40 rooms, I don't know the name but it was a nudist resort. But obviously if you rent it out you could change that. Be careful I just received info from Dreams where I was looking and there almost $700 in fees for translation of documents, blood test @ $300 etc. Also, for it to be a legal wedding in Mexico the ceremony must be in spanish with a judge translating into English.


    Good Luck!

  2. Hi Everyone,


    I am a newbie from Chicago and in a similare situation. I have no clue where to start and we are both indecisive so any suggestions would be great. We have no kids but are hoping our families (with kids) will join us.





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