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Posts posted by Jessica

  1. I am soooo getting this done next year no matter what DH says/thinks.


    The only part that freaks me out is that I'm weird about things coming too close to my eye (reason why I don't do contacts). My dr. haaates me when I get my eye exam because he and his assistant literally have to hold me down and pry my eyes open. I'm really bad. So I'm just worried that I will somehow move my eye or something and screw it up. I know they tape/force your eye to stay open, but from your experience Carly, do you think my little problem would interfere at all with the procedure?

  2. I was surprised Mia Michaels actually apologized to Adechike. I wonder who told her to tone the bitch down.


    Is it just me, or does anyone else get a flash of Carlton (Fresh Prince) when seeing Adechike dance? Especially during the African Jazz routine. My head was filled with "It's not unusual to be loved by anyone, It's not unusual to have fun with anyone but when I see you hanging about with anyone, It's not unusual to see me cry,oh I wanna' die..."


    I'm sad to see Alex go. Poor kid can't get a break with this show. I wonder if he's going to try and come back next season.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dolfinluck View Post
    As I was driving to work this morning i saw one of the stores in my town is having Tesesa do an appearance, i'm totally thinking of going
    Is it the B&N in Moorestown? Because I saw that the other day and am totally thinking of going as well.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jessica View Post
    Thoughts from tonight:

    - loved Adechike in the hip hop routine. It was a lot of fun to watch.

    - I'm soooo not a fan of Melinda and I totally think she should have gone last week rather than Christina, but damn, that was a harsh thing for Mia to say "We made a mistake" and then for Adam to agree... I would have probably run off the stage in tears.

    - Jose is the most versatile dancer, but I think he's so adorable. I just want to hug him and bake him cookies. He's such a cutie.

    - Alex is awesome.
    I should clarify that I meant to write Jose ISN'T the most versatile dancer! He's good at breaking but kind of falters everywhere else. Still love him though.
  5. Thoughts from tonight:


    - loved Adechike in the hip hop routine. It was a lot of fun to watch.


    - I'm soooo not a fan of Melinda and I totally think she should have gone last week rather than Christina, but damn, that was a harsh thing for Mia to say "We made a mistake" and then for Adam to agree... I would have probably run off the stage in tears.


    - Jose is the most versatile dancer, but I think he's so adorable. I just want to hug him and bake him cookies. He's such a cutie.


    - Alex is awesome.

  6. So I finally caught up with all the episodes today. I didn't bother watching the auditions so it was just the two weeks of the top dancers I caught up with. I guess I missed the reasoning for pairing them up with all stars vs a whole new cast, but whatever.


    I was disappointed to see Christina go in the most recent elimination. I'm not a fan of Melinda and all and on a totally superficial level, I agree about those horrendous red pants. They made her look a lot bigger than she is.

  7. A lot of my family stayed there when they were in St Thomas for the wedding.


    We also had our reception at Iggies which is the bar there.


    It is super laid back. If you are a hotel snob and looking for luxary, this isn't your place. But if you are just looking for a clean bed, good atmosphere and a casual place to kick back at, this is perfect.


    The only problems my family had is that one day the water was turned off for about an hour. But I don't think that's a big deal. I got to see the rooms. They were nice and clean. The staff was also really friendly.

  8. I always get these casting emails for different tv shows. I thought this one was interesting. It wouldn't be a DW wedding, but it would be an awesome wedding experience none-the-less!




    Are you engaged, planning your wedding, and stressed? Do you want to have a unique wedding that represents your love and who you are as a couple, but just donâ€t have the means or vision to make it happen? If so, get ready for the opportunity of a lifetime. You are going down the aisle celebrity style!!

    Introducing Oxygenâ€s new….




    Celebrities Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott will help you plan your dream wedding that tells YOUR story. They will use their expertise, exquisite style, and vast network of impeccable connections to deliver the wedding of a lifetime!


    Tori & Dean will help with the planning and be your confidant through your emotional hurdles. This is the biggest day of your life & the most stressful. Let Tori & Dean step in!



    Young, fun engaged couples that want more than just a traditional wedding.

    Your big day needs to be themed or have a unique twist, something out of the ordinary that represents who you are.

    Are you planning a Vegas wedding, Bollywood wedding, Rockabilly wedding, Jewish wedding, big BBQ cookout wedding, or you dream of riding in on a horse? Whatever your wildest dreams are, tell us!


    To Submit Email: [email protected]


    Give a brief bio of you and your fiancé including: name, age, and occupation. Tell us your story and why you need help? Whatâ€s your ideal wedding? The theme? What is your biggest fear associated with your wedding day? When do you plan on getting married? Have you planned anything yet? Do you have a date? Venue? Why could you use a celebrity to help you? Tell me your concerns.

    Donâ€t forget a phone number & recent photos of you and your fiancé.



    Casting is moving fast (only 2 weeks).

    Must be ready to get married Sept-Nov, 2010.

    Must live in Southern California.

    Must REALLY be engaged.





    Location: S. California

    Compensation: $200 (Wedding too)

  9. Blanche was my fave character. I love that show! I still watch reruns every night.


    Rue always seemed like a pistol too. She did an interview on a local radio station a few months ago. She was an awesome lady. I totally want to be like her one day.

  10. That is crazy. I don't know anything about their relationship, but maybe he died of a "broken heart." The stress of pain and loss can really take a toll on the physical health of people.


    How awful though that Brittany's mother had to once again make that call. Just awful.

  11. I think it's mostly Caroline who is so hell-bent on ripping apart Danielle. Dina seems more chill about it (although previews allude to a later confrontation). I'm in general not a big fan of Caroline. I appreciate her fierce loyalty, but overall I think she's a sh*t stirrer.

  12. That sounds like a cool fundraiser!


    So, just to be clear, you are only showing one movie? I think Pulp Fiction would be a good choice. I'll have to think about some other suggestions. I'm way into 80's teen movies, but I think this calls for something more adult than Sixteen Candles!

  13. I don't think I've posted in this thread before....


    Click the image to open in full size.

    A burning heart. Has my son's birthdate on the top and room to add more dates if I have more children!


    Click the image to open in full size.

    I got this when I was 17 and it's terribly faded. I have been putting off getting it retouched until I knew exactly what I was going to do with it. I finally decided!


    Click the image to open in full size.

    I got this one fairly recently. It's a Dali mermaid sketch. It also inspired what I decided to do with the tattoo on my stomach...


    Click the image to open in full size.

    I'm going to have the tattoo on my stomach touched up and have a series of pink butterflies (to match the pink in the mermaid) floating from my stomach and then fluttering around the mermaid.

  14. That is horrible. Fingers crossed for his safe return!


    The kennel totally needs to take more responsibility in losing the dog. At least he's microchipped so hopefully someone spots him and picks him up.


    That kennel sounds totally irresponsible in letting a child walk the dog unsupervised. For both the safety of the dog and the child that just doesn't seem like a good idea.


    Let us know what happens!

  15. I think you have to follow your heart. If you have the money to pay for her and if she's been a good friend and would be someone you definitely want at your wedding I would strongly consider it.


    I paid for some of my mother's expenses and brother's expenses. I also completely paid for my cousin to come. It was sort of a similiar situation in that my cousin was all amped to come and then about 2 months beforehand she tells me that she doesn't have the money she thought she would. I had the $800 to spare (see - really similiar story!) and in my case I didn't even have to think about it. I am super close to my cousin and I WANTED her there. It was really important to me that she was there and for me it was worth the expense. I just kept it low key. Neither she nor I really told anyone about it. I also didn't feel like I needed to feel guilty or explain to anyone why I paid her full travel and hotel expenses because it's what I wanted to do.


    I think whatever choice you make is ok as long as you are completely comfortable with it.

  16. I tried to see if there was a thread on this company already but couldn't find one. I came across this company while helping a friend plan for her local wedding. I don't think she's going to use them, but I totally bookmarked them because I think they are awesome! Well I specifically love their brooch bouquets. They are so pretty! I am kind of mad I didn't know about them for my own wedding because this is something right up my alley.


    Fantasy Floral Designs


    Look at the gallery link for pictures of the brooch bouquets. They are based in CA and I don't know if they do mail order, but just thought I'd share!

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