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Posts posted by lbourassa

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
    Edyta, Janet you guys look great!

    Okay, here's mine (Janet, this model weighs about 100 pounds less than me too... well not 100 but a lot!). The model looks different in the dress - better in some places (tiny waist, long legs) worse in others (she's flat chested and I'm not wink.gif)
    Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.

    Where is that dress from?? I absolutely LOVE it!!!
    and it looks beautiful on you!!
  2. I think I'm at the point where I've actually researched locations TOO MUCH.

    now I'm pretty much screwed for where I want to go... one resort has the price that I like, but not the location... the other has the location that I love, but not the price... and yet another has the location and the price, but the wedding locations suck...

    I've been reading Trip Advisor too much too!


    maybe we'll just elope...


    If anyone can lend some info...

    - Looking for a large enough resort that people won't get bored

    - Calm-ish beach that is clean where the kids won't get swept away in the waves

    - good food and a good variety

    - all inclusive if possible

    - a good wedding co-ordinator

    - somewhere close to Playa Del Carmen (even IN PDC would be great)



  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    Glad to help!

    By the way, there were about 10-12 people we considered "courtesy" invites who seemed more excited about the location than the wedding. I know what you mean about not wanting to have these people at your wedding when they really just want a vacation. Lucky for us, they missed the STD rsvp deadline (I guess they thought they could tell us anytime) so we told them unfortunately, our WC has already made arrangements for the people who replied by the deadline.

    We set the website rsvp WAY earlier than we really needed to know to weed out these type of people and it worked, and we were able to extend that deadline for people we wanted to be there. Good luck!!!

    That's a great way to tell them! Then it's their own darn fault!
    That's perfect, Thanks a mill!!!smile159.gif
  4. smile120.gif Glenda, you make me laugh...


    Soon2bmrsbyers...I hear you on the wanting to do something for your guests too... what about taking them on a tour or something? or putting some $$ towards whatever tour they want to do while they're there? If you can find out what price/person the rehearsal dinner will be, I bet you can reduce that amount and put, say... 20-25$ per person towards a tour (??) just a thought.


    Let me know what you decide to do... I'm stuck on that one too!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starchild View Post
    We sent STD magnets out to everyone with a letter explaining the event and directing them to our website for more info and to rsvp. The letter explained that those people who rsvp'd with a "yes" on the website would receive a formal invitation a few months later.

    It worked well for us, so far we cut our original list of just over 100 down to 40 (saves money on invitations too)!!
    We'll be doing a website too - so that's kind of what I had in mind... was to send out STD's (gee, that just sounds bad!) to all friends that would direct them to our website with travel and resort info, formal invites to family members (with a block of rooms for family only) and just see what happened... JK!
    We don't want people there that are just coming for a frolick on the beach (warm getaways are a novelty up here, and people use ANY excuse to get south!) and the way you did it, Starchild looks like the best option.
    We just don't want to end up with 100 ppl there... kind of defeats the purpose of getting outta here!

    Thanks for the input, much appreciated!
  6. Hiya - Belize is one of the places we're looking at (although not super seriously... there doesn't seem to be as much wedding info as somewhere like Mexico)...


    What resorts would you recommend?

    Are there many AI's there?


    Thanks bunches, and welcome to the board, great pics!



  7. I'm stressed out already - and we're not even engaged!!


    How the h*ll do you decide on ONE resort? A hotel even??

    Just talked to Kevin again today, and he seems to think that a boutique hotel in PDC is the way to go... but then we have to factor in soooooo many other costs!!!


    I'm so confused... what the heck is going to happen when we actually sit down to start booking stuff!!??shots.gif

  8. I know there is already a thread about this resort... but it seems dead in the water. So here goes another...


    Occidental Grand Xcaret Resort - Playa del Carmen - Occidental Grand Xcaret Resort Reviews - TripAdvisor


    Click on "candid traveller photos" if you haven't already been to trip advisor...there are a TONNE of photos of the resort and some of wedding locations as well... from a regular Joe's perspective.

    This may help some of you out.

    After going through countless tour brochures, this one is now one of my new favorites... price is good kids under 12 are free, and the wedding info on the site is very straight-forward!

    We have been looking for a resort that is not huge, has some character and charm... and I think I found it at the Xcaret.cheer2.gif

  9. ... so what are thoughts on sending formal printed invites to Family and close friends (about 25 ppl) and then just sending STDs to everyone else?

    We will be blocking rooms for the obvious family and close friends, but want to sort of keep the #s down... so we were thinking of just doing save the dates with our website info on it (with TA info) and letting them figure it out...? We don't want ppl NOT to come, but we don't want ppl just looking for a reason to holiday there either...



  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jilly76 View Post
    For us it was less hassle to do it here, we didn't have to be in mexico for 4 days prior, and it was less expensive because we don't have to have everything translated a million times. But I know how you feel, at first I wanted to legal ceremony there, but the more I thought about it, I knew it would be so much easier to do it here.
    I've heard stories about how much the translation can cost - a lot of times it's not included in the package, and can cost up to $700 (yeeesh)
    Something we'll definately have to consider, I guess.

    Would be kind of fun to go to the courthouse by ourselves on the day we leave for MX... and not tell anyone!
  11. We're looking at March/April 2008... so Yeah, I have some time after contest. But I tend to be overly Type A and will want the dress hanging in the closet 6 months before the wedding!! (loser, I know)

    Target weight for contest is 110 (NOT my ideal body weight as far as I'm concerned) but you're right about the weight gain right after - I'll be back up to 125 in no time!

    Maybe if I wait - I can catch some sort of sale (does that even ever happen??)



  12. smile159.gif I've been competing for 4 years now, in figure... but I'm going to try bodybuilding too this year.

    Soooo, the problem that I'm having is this...

    I start dieting for a June 9th show, targeting a weight of 110 (I'm 145 now...) and given the fact that it may take a while to find the right dress, and then to have it ordered...

    Ideally I'd like to be at a weight of 120 - 125 for W-Day, so do I go soon and order one to fit me now, and just have it taken in... or do I chance being able to find the right one later (at my ideal weight)??

    I'm probably making this more complicated than I need to...

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