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Everything posted by -Kate-

  1. I know I'm down this week because anything I eat comes flying out of my butt like a rocket ship. Sick is stupid.
  2. Only good part of stomach bug is that I'm losing weight. So nasty around our house...
  3. Only good part of stomach bug is that I'm losing weight. So nasty around our house...
  4. I hung onto 10 lbs until I weaned Mabel too, so I figured the same thing would happen this time.
  5. No way! I mean, I knew I was on track but didn't quite realize what it would be. It is amazing how much writing down my food has helped. I feel like an idiot for not doing it before. I wonder if my starting to wean my son is also helping?
  6. I'm finally losing what I feel like is real weight. It has been all about tracking my food. That and working out more than 2x a week. Still not to pre-wedding weight, but getting closer!
  7. Good work car!! And niiiiiiiiice booty whoever you are model lady. I'm totally back on track! Got cardio in last week. This week I have crossfit 3 times. Biggest thing - logging absolutely everything I eat and drink. Numbers are dropping!!!
  8. I need to add more cardio for sure. I do crossfit twice a week but I need to get back to running and yoga as well.
  9. You can totally poop out 4.5 lbs. totally. I feel like I'm at my plateau weight. Like I could be an angel or a devil about food and I would stay in the same 4 lb range. Hoping when I stop nursing I will get past this.
  10. Awesome job ladies and congrats Reign! As of this morning's weigh in I am at....PRE BABY WEIGHT!!!!!! Hellz yeah.
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